
Candybooru image #16520, tagged with Abbey Amaya Augustus BCB_Art_Meme Daisy David Janitor Jasmine Lily Lucy McCain Mike MikexLucy Paulo PauloxDaisy PauloxSue Rachel Sandy SandyxAmaya ScratchKat_(Artist) Stacy Sue SuexMcCain Tess Yashy


Comment ID #92670

it's... finally... done... ;_;
i put Hours into this so i hope you guys like it #^_^#
GRANTED I DID MORE THAN I NEEDED TO but yknow i got excited
anyway, EXTRA NOTES:
- sandy is unfashionable because i didnt wanna draw it. lets just say the necklace-only look is IN!
- being drunk gives you a unique blush color. it spawns on your face like mold
- the ending pic is based on a sonic idw variant cover where they're playing sonic shuffle, which doesn't go up to 8 players and also isn't this intense. but don't worry about it

ScratchKat on May 15, 2024.

Comment ID #92671

lovely art style, based opinions, how could u be any better

blackgriffin on May 15, 2024.

Comment ID #92673

this is SO delightful. all of your thoughts and written-out items, really really good. the group picture of everyone playing video games together is fantastic.
also your style is EXCELLENT. so chunky, such good movement and shapes.

bramblepaws on May 15, 2024.

Comment ID #92675

omg tysm!!! <333

ScratchKat on May 15, 2024.

Comment ID #92678

Everything is so emotive, it’s no wonder you’re an animator!!! I am studying the expressions and poses closely………….


Taeshi on May 15, 2024.

Comment ID #92680

waugh thank u kindly!!! im very flattered...

ScratchKat on May 15, 2024.