38. Rising Temperature, original chapter posted 5/27/07

Page 2 of 14

Rising Temperature — Page 2



*Paulo looks down at his hands, tearing up.*
Paulo: Y’see, I’ve been really excited for the prom.. So excited I got carried away with what the Juniors were doing..

*Paulo clasps his hands together.*
Paulo: It felt like tomorrow was the last day before a big vacation.. But I’m still a FRESHMAN!!

*Paulo, clenching both his fists, looks up pleadingly.*
Paulo: So I.. kinda.. haven’t started on it. One of you has gotta help me! PLEASE!!

*Paulo, with a pleading pout, leans close, getting in Abbey’s space. Abbey starts to sweat.*
Abbey: .. I’m not even in your class!
Paulo: It doesn’t matter! You’re a genius!
*Lucy looks on with a raised eyebrow.*

*Paulo puts his hands behind his head and rolls his eyes.*
Paulo: I’d normally ask Daisy, but who knows where the hell she’s been.
*Abbey scowls.*
Abbey: !

*Abbey turns away in a huff.*
Abbey: Is that honestly all she is to you? Don’t count on me for anything, you selfish brat.
*Paulo glares at Abbey and points an accusatory finger.*
Paulo: You only JUST offered to help Lucy, you sexist asshole!!

*Mike, hands raised in a pacifying gesture, nervously tries to calm Paulo and Abbey, who stare angrily at each other.*
Paulo: Where’s the logic in THAT, brainiac?
Abbey: Grr..
Mike: Hey, HEY!

*Mike smiles anxiously at Paulo.*
Mike: You know.. those of us in Honors don’t have anything due for a while, so I could help out!

*Paulo turns toward Mike.*
Paulo: Ughh, no way! You barely scraped into that class, what’re you gonna do to help me?
Mike: ..!

*Paulo glares at Abbey, who’s looking off into the distance, his brow furrowed.*
Paulo: C’mon, Abbeyyy.. you’re always making yourself out to be the nice guy..

*Mike smiles anxiously.*
Mike: I can tag along if you want me to! Ease the tension.
*Abbey’s expression softens.*

*Abbey turns toward them.*
Abbey: Ughh.. alright. If you guys really want me to..
*Paulo beams.*
Paulo: YES!

*Paulo grins, clapping a hand onto both Mike and Abbey’s shoulder. Mike and Abbey, who is frowning, both flinch, startled.*

*Abbey turns and glares at Paulo, who holds up his hands with a smile. Mike smiles nervously next to them.*
Abbey: Why’s it gotta be my place?!
Paulo: You’re the tutor!

*Abbey sits back, looking nervous.*
Paulo: Is there a problem?
Abbey: Ahh.. no.. Not really..

*Abbey taps his chin with one finger.*
Abbey: I just don’t want to bother my sister. She’s got some projects due..
Mike: Oh, you’ve mentioned her before!

*Mike smiles, and Abbey looks relieved.*
Mike: We’ll keep to ourselves.. don’t worry!
*Paulo stares into space.*
Paulo: Huh..

*Paulo raises his finger.*
Paulo: Is she hot--
*Abbey slams his palm into Paulo’s face while Mike glares at Paulo.*

Author commentary

Veronica: Man, Paulo is a lucky guy to have befriended a bunch of brainiacs he can leech off of using his charming personality!

.. Okay, well, he got Mike’s support at least, And Abbey wants to get support from Mike, I suppose.

Wow, Mike really is the backbone of society, huh.

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #128554

Abbey really gets irritated easily. He’s like those cats that claw you for stroking their tails. *sucks bleeding finger*

SushiJaguar November 17, 2010, 11:41 PM EST.

Comment ID #138698

Low class Paulo, at lest wait till your at the house to ask if the sisters hot

TheSandMan961 December 24, 2010, 6:36 PM EST.

Comment ID #140672

Haha Mike’s expression really shouts “Wow…..you should’ve seen that one coming…” priceless!

sierra January 6, 2011, 5:42 PM EST.

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