*Daisy’s house is a dark silhouette against the sky.*
Mike: And THAT’S when I knew I was really just being selfish, not “busy”. You know? I’m really sorry..
*Daisy smiles and laughs, putting a hand up to her face.*
Daisy: Oh, Mikie! You’re being so harsh on yourself!
*Mike looks up with a nervous smile. His hands are behind his head.*
Mike: Not in the slightest..
*Mike clasps his hands in front of his chest and looks remorsefully at Daisy.*
Mike: Walking home with you is, like, the LEAST I could do to make it up to you. I feel like I really owe you a lot, especially when you’re being so good about hearing me out..
*Daisy smiles softly at him. She blushes slightly.*
Daisy: …
*Daisy looks down with a small, shy smile. She taps her fingertips together.*
Daisy: Are you doing anything this weekend?
*Mike looks at her in surprise. He puts his hands back behind his head.*
Mike: Don’t think so.. why?
*Clouds drift by overhead.*
Daisy: Well.. the carnival opens tomorrow night, and they have a special ticket for couples only..
Mike: Um.. I could make it, but--
*Daisy spins around, leaning toward Mike anxiously. She raises a hand. Mike watches, concerned.*
Daisy: It doesn’t have to mean anything!! I just don’t have anyone to go with..
*Daisy looks away, blushing anxiously. Her ears are back.*
Daisy: It could be like Paulo and Tess at prom.. just as friends.. Could we? Please?
Daisy: You and Lucy went together back in middle school, didn’t you?
*Mike jerks back and looks at Daisy. He frowns slightly.*
*Mike clenches a fist and starts to sweat anxiously. His ears are down and he frowns nervously.*
Mike: W-well that didn’t mean anything then!
*Daisy looks pleadingly at Mike, holding her hands in front of her chest.*
Daisy: So can’t you come with me?
*Mike smiles. His ears are perked up again.*
Mike: Oh, alright.
*Daisy beams joyfully at Mike. Her eyes twinkle and sparkles appear around her head. She clenches her fists in excitement.*
Daisy: Y-you mean it?!
*Mike smiles awkwardly, bowing with one hand held out to Daisy. Mike puts his other hand behind his head. He’s sweating a little.*
Mike: I wasn’t gonna say no to you!
*Daisy throws herself at Mike, hugging him and smiling blissfully.*
Daisy: Oh, thank you!
*Mike frowns, upset. Mike’s face goes red. He stands awkwardly, keeps his hands and arms away from Daisy.*
Mike: !
*Daisy snuggles into Mike’s chest and doesn’t see as Mike frowns, worried.*
Daisy: Seriously.. This makes me really happy.. Thank you..
*Daisy and Mike part. Daisy smiles hopefully at Mike, who awkwardly holds his hands behind his back.*
Daisy: See you tomorrow, then?
*Mike smiles nervously.*
Mike: Y-yeah, sure!
*Daisy waves to Mike with a big smile. Mike turns to walk away.*
Daisy: Bye!
*Mike smiles over his shoulder and waves at Daisy.*
Mike: Later!
*Daisy grins triumphantly, clenching her fist.*
Daisy: Hehehe~ ♥ I can’t believe it~
*The shadowy figure of Augustus watches as the distant silhouetted figures of Daisy and Mike walk away from each other.*
Daisy (thinking): It’ll be a night you’ll never forget..
Daisy (thinking): .. my love ♥
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Reader comments
Comment ID #9147
daisy needs to get it in her mind to BE FRIENDS, not lovers….
bored April 26, 2010, 11:02 PM EDT.
Comment ID #123387
YES! Mike and Daisy are perfect together!
GordanFreeman November 10, 2010, 8:05 PM EST.
Comment ID #168533
Shadie figure….Final Fantasy Cat….Paulo? Ooooh, I wish it was Paulo, ready to spring the ‘cheater’ joke again.
Milos June 22, 2011, 1:59 PM EDT.