*Lucy runs over to Paulo.*
Lucy: You trying to get us all killed?!
*Paulo looks back at Lucy with a cocky smirk, one hand still on the fish tank.*
Paulo: No, I’m trying to get a shark’s attention.
*Yashy leans forward, grinning stupidly.*
Yashy: OH MY GOD really can I help
*Lucy drops Yashy and, with both arms, pulls Paulo away from the tank.*
Lucy: No seriously QUIT IT!!
*Paulo whirls around and embraces her.*
Paulo: Oh, babe.. You ain’t gotta worry about me ♥ ♥
*Lucy kicks Paulo away. Paulo smacks head-first into the glass of the tank before sliding down the wall, limp.*
*Lucy stomps away from Paulo.*
*Lucy’s attention is caught by Mike.*
Mike: Lucyyyyy!!
*Mike and Daisy wave at her excitedly.*
Mike: Over here! They’re feeding the seals soon!
*Lucy tenses up, looking afraid.*

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Author commentary
Veronica: In the rewrite/redraw, I wanted Paulo to still be slimy and grabby, but not to the extent of being an inexcusable sexual-assaulter, so his actions have been toned down throughout the comic, for the better.
He’s still being annoying and hugging Lucy when she doesn’t want him to, but now you think he’s a prick that needs to get better at boundaries, rather than irredeemable.
Oliver: Some things that make sense as an extreme anime-style joke get kind of confusing when the characters are fleshed out later! So enjoy a comic where the things that are happening have the correct weight.