*Mike and Lucy walk in the hallway together. Katie walks past them.*
Katie: ♪
Mike: ..?
*Mike raises an eyebrow.*
Mike: Hey, why are the cheerleaders in uniform today?
Lucy: Didn’t you know?
Lucy: Today’s the pep rally.
*Mike flinches, terrified.*
Mike: ERK!!
Yashy: What’s wrong with him? Why’s he frozen?
*Paulo appears in the background, giving a thumbs up.*
Paulo: Isn’t it obvious? He’s excited about all them chicks in miniskirts~ ♥
*David pops in.*
David: Is that how he gets when he’s “excited”?
Yashy: There’s only one person who can answer that~!
*Lucy blushes with a ticked off look.*
*David pokes an unresponsive Mike. Lucy steps on Yashy’s head.*
*David holds his hand to his face.*
David: That sounded like a nut cracking.
Mike: Oh, true.
*Lucy grumpily looks to the side.*
Lucy: Hi again, Mike.
*Lucy sneers at Mike, who panics.*
Lucy: Done with your depraved little fantasies..?
Mike: What?! No!! Don’t get the wrong idea!!
Paulo: So what are you, gay?
*Mike narrows his eyes.*
Mike: Guh.
*David smugly smiles.*
David: Taste the rainbow
*Mike wails.*
Mike: I just can’t stand pep rallies!!
Yashy: Why’s that?
Paulo: Didn’t you hear us? He’s too gay!
*Mike growls at Paulo.*
Poodle teacher: Alright, kids! It’s time for the pep rally!! Get to the gym right NOW!
*Mike shakes Lucy’s shoulder.*
Mike: Lucy, help me escaaaape!
Lucy: It’s not gonna be as easy as last year!
*Lucy pouts.*
Lucy: Besides, it’s not a big deal. Better than class, right?
*Mike makes a determined pose.*
Mike: Well you go on ahead, but I’ll be heading home!
*Mike puts his hands on Lucy’s shoulders, kneeling slightly.*
Mike: God bless you, young warrior. Your courage inspires me.
*Mike dashes through a crowd of students.*
Lucy: …
*Lucy rolls her eyes, smiling to herself.*
Lucy: Drama queen.

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Reader comments
Comment ID #32879
be the rainbow, taste the rainbow… the rainbow tastes good doesn’t it…
Cuddle Bear May 31, 2010, 8:18 PM EDT.
Comment ID #100152
“Drama Queen”
cats4ever98 October 4, 2010, 7:18 PM EDT.
Comment ID #205740
i think i know why mike doesn’t like pep rallies. all those girls their and their fangirlyness over mike… i think you can see why he want’s to escape. fangirl wave >.>
maxwell January 15, 2012, 11:38 PM EST.