*A train races forward on its tracks.*
Lucy: Aughh, you IDIOT!!
Mike: Excuse me?!
*Daisy, Paulo and Sue sit in a row on the seats inside the train, all looking uncomfortable at the fight unfolding beside them.*
Lucy: Did you even stop for a minute and THINK about what you were doing?!
Mike: Well, it’s not MY fault we missed the bus!
*Lucy yells angrily.*
Lucy: But it WAS your stupid idea to take the train! And now WE’RE ALL LOST!
Mike: I didn’t hear your great idea, Lucy!
*Mike shouts back indignantly. Lucy pouts, crossing her arms and turning away.*
Lucy: This is all on you.
Mike: Oh, so it’s on me that I TRIED, while you just sat around and COMPLAINED?
*Daisy looks up at Paulo, pleading.*
Daisy: Stop them, Paulo..
*Paulo covers his mouth with his fist.*
Paulo: Ah-hem…
Paulo: SHADDUP!!
*Mike and Lucy freeze, staring at Paulo in surprise.*
*Paulo continues his sentence at a normal volume.*
Paulo: .. Mike. You can keep talkin’, babe.
*Lucy smirks. Mike looks appalled.*
Mike: HEY!!
*Daisy and Paulo look on as the fighting begins anew.*
Mike: You make it so damn easy to hate you, Lucy.
Lucy: Am I supposed to feel bad ’bout that?
*Daisy and Paulo each begin to daydream, gazing up at thought bubbles. Daisy dreams of cuddling Mike as he bashfully smiles back at her. Paulo dreams of a passionate makeout session with Lucy. Meanwhile, Mike and Lucy continue arguing.*
Mike: No. Just makes me wonder why I even tolerate you.
Lucy: Oh cry me a river! How tough it must be to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR GETTING US LOST!
*Daisy and Paulo each blush and look to the side, relishing their daydreams.*

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Reader comments
Comment ID #95965
Paulo and Daisy should team up, that way both their dreams would be realized and everyone would be happy.
Except david. What’re we gonna do ‘bout him?
Smirker September 25, 2010, 2:30 PM EDT.
Comment ID #203004
I sometimes find myself dreaming things similar to that…
RanmaSaotome December 26, 2011, 10:48 AM EST.
Comment ID #214811
Mike flat out states his growing frustration and hatred for Lucy’s behaviour…
Yet {insert spoiler here} comes as a complete shock later on, somehow…
Seriously… Fine line between just belligerent tension worthy of shipping (eg: genuine frustration born out of only not being able to express true feelings,) and flat out abuse (eg: genuine frustration born out of blah blah blah, and taking it out on your sacrificing partner to the point that it harms him.). Someone on this train is pretty guilty of the second… And I’m looking at you, Lucy.
MindGamer April 20, 2012, 10:29 AM EDT.