25. Humble Approach, original chapter posted 10/7/06

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Humble Approach — Page 1



*Students crowd around the hallway. John, a cat with round glasses, hums and walks past Katie and Stacy, who are having a conversation.*

*Katie and Stacy chat. Daisy sighs and walks past them.*

*Daisy sits at her desk, upset, resting her face on her hand. Mike sits next to her, smiling to himself.*

*Mike and Lucy chat in the distance while Daisy walks on.*

*Paulo and David fool around in the background as Daisy eats lunch alone.*
David: Chocolate milk fight!!
Paulo: Screw you!!

*Daisy, sitting on the grass, still upset, stretches to touch her toes.*
Gym teacher: Okay, everyone! Today we’re running more laps than ever!

*The gym teacher crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. David stands far off in the background.*
Gym teacher: I think you need it judging by how unfit you’re all looking!
David: lol

*Daisy puts her hands on her hips and sighs. Paulo notices her.*

Paulo: Is it just me or are you being really emo today?
*Daisy glares at Paulo.*

Mike: I noticed it too.. I just didn’t wanna bug you about it and make it worse..
*Daisy turns to Mike, glumly.*
Daisy: Mikie..

*Daisy forces a smile.*
Daisy: I’ll be fine, don’t worry. We all better get a move on!

Lucy: Another race? I’ll kick your ass this time!
*Lucy bops Mike on the shoulder, angering him.*

Mike: Augh, Lucy! Don’t you EVER give up?
*Daisy, with a sullen expression, thinks to herself.*
Daisy (thinking): Hmm..

*Daisy trips over a turtle and slams face-first into the ground.*

*Daisy lifts her head.*
Daisy: Nghh..

*Daisy frowns.*
Daisy: Maybe I should give up..

Abbey: Need a hand, miss?
Daisy: ..?

*Daisy looks up and sees a hand reaching out to her.*
Daisy: ?

Author commentary

Veronica: Aww, Daisy :( Feeling rejected without actually having faced actual rejection..

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #6107

ok these guys need to incorporate mario!! jump on TOP of the turtle

bored as hell April 19, 2010, 11:50 PM EDT.

Comment ID #17938

See? SEE?! I warned you about those !@#$ing turtles! I bet you all wished you had listened to me. To the Anti-Turtle Bunker! *flee*

Koren Korca May 7, 2010, 10:48 PM EDT.

Comment ID #218503

that turtle is of the devil it will eat your soul

eagle eye June 7, 2012, 12:31 AM EDT.

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