*Sue blushes and smiles awkwardly, clutching papers.*
Sue: Heh heh.. Okay, uh.. Moving on! So about our problem..
*McCain speaks up, off-panel.*
McCain: If I may..
*Sue pauses, looking surprised while Girl 1 and Girl 2 glance toward the end of the table.*
Sue: Yes?
*McCain puts his hand on his coat. His mirror glasses gleam in the light.*
McCain: I simply don’t see the point of forming a group for the purpose of protesting a more popular group that won’t accept you.
*Sue leans both hands on the table and frowns.*
Sue: Don’t you ever wanna be heard?
*McCain looks a little uncomfortable. His voice is quiet.*
McCain: .. .. Well.. yes..
*Aqua, a character nobody has seen before, shouts tearfully.*
Aqua: It’s just not fair! We don’t want to be ignored!
*Girl 2 raises a fist.*
Girl 2: Yeah!!
*Girl 1 looks confused.*
Girl 1: Who are you?
*McCain raises an eyebrow.*
McCain: Have you tried ASKING them?
*Sue sweats, looking uncomfortable.*
Sue: …
*McCain’s face falls as Stacy and Katie jeer in the background.*
Stacy: Shut it, McCain!
*Katie crosses her arms over her chest.*
Katie: Thinks he’s SOOO smart.
*McCain sits down and sighs, looking hurt. Sue looks at him sympathetically.*
Sue: …
*Sue sits at the edge of the table, looking concerned for McCain as he hangs his head.*
Sue and McCain: …
*The scene doesn’t change.*
Sue: …
*McCain looks up in realization.*
*The frame remains locked on McCain. McCain looks to the side.*
McCain: .. Why hasn’t the focus left me yet?
*Sue jumps to her feet and slams her hands on the table, looking frustrated.*
Sue: !!
*Sue scowls, pointing an indignant finger in McCain’s direction.*
Sue: See? That’s the problem!! You’re so used to the background you expect it! In this club, we embrace the spotlight!
*McCain stands at the center of the panel as confetti explodes around him.*
Everyone: SPOTLIGHT!!
McCain: …
*McCain looks down at the table, clutching a hand to his chest and blushing a little.*
McCain: Hmm.. it feels quite strange..
*Sue smiles cheerfully at him, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning her elbows on the table.*
Sue: You earned it!
*McCain looks at Sue.*
McCain: So I can keep saying that this club is a stupid idea?
*Sue nervously smiles.*
Sue: .. Ahah..
*Katie jumps to her feet, putting her hands to her hips. Stacy stands behind her looks frustrated.*
Katie: You know what, this IS stupid! The bear is right.
McCain: I’m a dog.
*Sue glares at Katie.*
Sue: So what’s your bright idea, then?
*Katie glances over to Stacy. They grin.*
Stacy: Angry mob?
Katie: Angry mob!
*Sue recoils in shock, looking horrified.*
Sue: What?!

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Author commentary
Veronica: I like that Stacy is genuinely annoyed by McCain. I think originally he was being told to shut up because that’s what you do to him, but I don’t think the running gag has been properly established by now? So instead Stacy is just being upfront with her annoyance. Genuinely wants him to shut up!
Man, Katie, why didn’t you just stay chaotic! Why did you have to become an actual cruel mean girl to Daisy :( You had so much potential!