Intermission: Birthday Double-Team, original chapter posted 5/1/07

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Birthday Double-Team — Page 1



*Paulo and Chirpy sit on chairs, smiling as confetti surrounds them. Paulo is wearing a birthday hat.*
Everyone: Whoo~! Yayy~!

*Chirpy looks at Paulo with a smile.*
Chirpy: Wow, Meanie-Kitty! I never thought we’d share a sah-prise party!

Chirpy: An’ here I was thinkin’ everyone forgot!
*Paulo smiles awkwardly.*

*David shouts in enthusiasm, annoying Lucy, who’s wearing an apron and chef’s hat.*
David: Can I can I can I can I can I can I can I can I can I can I can I can I can I can I can I can I can I can I can I
Lucy: OKAY OKAY!! Just shut up!

Sue: You can hand out your gifts early if you just GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN!!
*David grins back at a furious Sue.*
David: Yay!!

*David smiles mischievously, looking back at Paulo and Chirpy, who look back at him, confused.*
David: Now…
Paulo and Chirpy: ?

*Paulo and Chirpy each hold gift boxes.*
David: Something for you, Chirpy..
Paulo and Chirpy: ?

*David beams at Paulo.*
David: I really think you’re gonna like this gift.
Paulo: That so..?

*Lightning flashes behind David as he poses menacingly.*
David: Oh, yes.. It’s what you’ve always desired.. ho ho

*Paulo looks confused.*
Paulo: ..?

*David lowers his head and closes his eyes, grinning.*
David: Something sweet..

*David stares at Paulo with confidence.*
David: Something spicy..

David: Something..

*David knowingly grins.*
David: That’ll rock your world~ ♥

*Paulo, blushing, freezes up in shock with the gift in his hands.*

*Paulo smiles and drools, looking down at his present.*
Paulo: !

*Paulo rips the wrapping paper apart.*
Paulo: Yes..

Paulo: Yes..

Paulo: YESSSS!!
*His party hat flies off as he rips the box half-open.*

*Paulo stares down at the present, confused.*
Paulo: .. Eh?

Author commentary

Veronica: Hello, and welcome to yet another birthday chapter! We haven’t had one of those in a while, the last time we had that it was Lucy’s birthday, I think! Now we’re allllll the way in April!

.. wait, I just realised David has an entire chapter dedicated to his birthday, which is in February, so it hasn’t been that many months actually.

In April, there are two birthdays: Paulo and Chirpy. They’re both pretty important, but I didn’t wanna bother making two comics based on them, so I decided to combine their party! That’s why Chirpy thought everyone forgot.. considering her birthday is a few days before Paulo’s.

You just had to be patient, Chirpy! It’s not like you’re a main character!

David what are you doing getting stuff like this

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #8834

Meanie-kitty. XD Cute.

Calvin April 26, 2010, 8:33 AM EDT.

Comment ID #68762

I love how David explains what Paulo’s present is.

Mr.Red August 2, 2010, 2:40 PM EDT.

Comment ID #100511

My guess is due to the obvious breeze headed-ness of David, Paulo gets something girly and chirpy gets something she’s not supposed to see with her virgin eyes

Tstriker1 October 5, 2010, 11:02 AM EDT.

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