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Comment ID #240
Woah. :o
Anonymous # .
Comment ID #352
this is so cute! :3
Anonymous #1 .
Comment ID #359
fff I love this so much. Style is amazing.
Carma .
Comment ID #5513
I saw this and thought of the Wind Waker art style, and that is a VERY good thing!
Anonymous #2 .
Comment ID #16318
I love the comics Peach does, (or did)
Anonymous #3 .
Comment ID #16464
I don't know about you guys, But the drawing style remind me of Zelda The Wind Waker
@Anon 3, Just saw your post x)
Gundu .
Comment ID #26562
Lucy: I want to see you in the blue scarf tomorrow or I'll burn this one with you wearing it...
Mike: Yes, ma'am...
Anonymous #4 .
Comment ID #78977
even after finishing whats there of the comic, I still ship them
Justin-Wells .
Comment ID #84746
Best ship.
Cool drawing.
Comment ID #90581
Lucy's like Blech your still wearing that Transphobia Scarf
Bittersweet_Disney_ .