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Comment ID #191
I love Paulo’s expressions on this page.
'Rixx December 8, 2009, 7:39 PM EST.
Comment ID #82178
From the shape of those speech bubbles I can only imagine how terrifying Lucy’s voice must have been xD Paulo has some guts.
I love the second-to-last panel where he silently makes up his mind to stay with her. “I MUST ACCEPT MY DESTINY.”
Skygaze August 26, 2010, 12:45 PM EDT.
Comment ID #180383
I am really impressed with how Paulo has progressed as a character.
He is really learning to follow his better instincts, and if anyone is not going to be phased by Lucy’s attitude, it’s him.
He speaks her language, so to speak.
Fruvous September 4, 2011, 11:38 AM EDT.