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Image Details
Multiple artists made this, and Shiraru uploaded it .
I’ll add in the tags later I have a list DONT worry! But thank you everyone for coming to the draw collab this Saturday! Lots of fun drawings from everyone thank you all so much! I’m gonna make a google form to decide when the next one will be shortly! *advertiser voice* please join the bcb discord server (link on the homepage) for when I get the google form ready
Again thank you everyone!!
okay just finished tagging if i had missed you please add yourself! or let me know on discord and ill be happy to add you thank you all again for joining!~
HAHAHAHAHA these are incredible!! God it’s so cool to look through these and be able to know the very distinct styles!! I love this so much!!! So many good additions and good memes (that freaken spongebob james kgrdhfgklfhdgkfh)
Comment ID #91132
I’ll add in the tags later I have a list DONT worry! But thank you everyone for coming to the draw collab this Saturday! Lots of fun drawings from everyone thank you all so much! I’m gonna make a google form to decide when the next one will be shortly! *advertiser voice* please join the bcb discord server (link on the homepage) for when I get the google form ready

Again thank you everyone!!
Shiraru .
Comment ID #91133
agentchimendez .
Comment ID #91134
okay just finished tagging if i had missed you please add yourself! or let me know on discord and ill be happy to add you thank you all again for joining!~

Shiraru .
Comment ID #91135
HAHAHAHAHA these are incredible!! God it’s so cool to look through these and be able to know the very distinct styles!! I love this so much!!! So many good additions and good memes (that freaken spongebob james kgrdhfgklfhdgkfh)
Taeshi .