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Comment ID #92079

Another collab coming atcha!!! The grid collab was set up in spring of this year and wrapped up in December. This was a meme I saw floating around on Twitter, and I had to work around the issues of there not being a blank version and the originals only having like 8 characters.

BCB has a lot, and I felt doubling the number was the absolute minimum I could ask before it was unreasonable - and I already knew 16 was a big ask, so I only required 8 as a minimum, and to include the main four. Madison, James, and Jordan won their slots from a discord vote, and I wanted the 16th slot to be just whoever people wanted to draw to make up for the main cast being too large to fit them all. I listened to the people so don't get mad at me that your fave didn't have a secure spot!

This was a lot of fun to do, and if someone else wants to take up the mantle to host a second that'd be cool with me, because as fun as it was I don't think I want to do this one again LOL

agentchimendez .

Comment ID #92080

IT LOOKS GREAT PC!!!! Thank you for all the hard work and effort you did trying to wrangle so many people together and fitting everything on the grid so nicely<333 Seeing everyone’s art is so cool! ^w^

whimsicalEden .

Comment ID #92081

YAYYYYYYYY IT LOOKS GREAT GOOD WORK EVERYONE!!! Thank you PC in particular for wrangling everyone and for being so patient and kind and understanding and also amazing!!!! this is so so so so cool and im so happy i managed to squeeze in!!

bitter--edge .

Comment ID #92298


nowo .