*Mike looks down at a piece of paper, gloomily.*
Mike: Hmm..
*Tess walks over.*
Tess: Something on your mind, Mike?
Mike: Oh, hi, Tess..
*Mike rests his cheek on his hand and smiles hesitantly.*
Mike: Today’s Lucy’s birthday.
*Tess looks excited.*
Tess: Ah, are you guys planning a surprise party?
Mike: Pff, not this time.
*Mike begins a flashback of various scenes from Lucy’s past birthdays.*
Mike (narrating): No matter what I do..
*Lucy glances at a bush, smiling.*
Lucy: Don’t cut yourself on the thorns there.
*Mike jumps out at Lucy, grinning.*
Mike: SUR--
*Lucy looks completely unsurprised.*
Lucy: Oh, hi
Mike (narrating): .. Lucy figures it out before I even get a chance.
*Mike pops down from the ceiling, holding a present while upside down.*
Mike: SU--
*Lucy looks at him with little reaction.*
Lucy: What are you doing?
Mike (narrating): I’ve basically run dry on ideas, so there really isn’t a point in trying anymore.
*Mike smiles nervously and scratches his head.*
*Paulo appears with a confident grin.*
Paulo: Leave it up to me, then!
*Tess and Mike look at him blankly.*
*Paulo grins and points to himself.*
Paulo: Me and Dave’ll set up a surprise party that’ll be SO awesome she’ll lose her mind. And reward me after you all go home.
*Daisy looks on, smiling. Abbey looks annoyed. David stares angrily at Paulo.*
David: Why’s it gotta be you?!
*Mike regards Paulo with disdain.*
Mike: I await your inevitable failure.
Paulo: Yeah, you wish!
[Caption: And, so..]
*David ties a balloon around a tree.*
*David, Paulo and Abbey stand in a clearing. Balloons cover the trees. A cake, topped with candles in the shape of “14”, sits on a table. A stack of party hats lay beside it.*
David: I.. think that’s the last one.
*Paulo crosses his arms, looking pleased.*
Paulo: Great! Daisy should be calling the birthday girl over as we speak..
*Abbey scratches his chin.*
Abbey: Aren’t the balloons a pretty obvious giveaway?
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Reader comments
Comment ID #107969
…I think Abbey is right…
RuBoo October 20, 2010, 10:07 AM EDT.
Comment ID #146089
Awwww, David looks SO Chute!
youwishyouknewmyname February 7, 2011, 6:55 PM EST.
Comment ID #209223
I hope Lucy will like this.
Oh and this is the first birthday with 3 pages.I like that!
I just loooooooove b-days !!!
ema February 15, 2012, 11:26 AM EST.