27. Flirting with Disaster, original chapter posted 11/3/06

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Flirting with Disaster — Page 1



*Mike and Lucy sit next to each other at the lunch table, smiling and talking.*
Lucy: Have you spoken with her lately?
Mike: Yesterday!
Lucy: How nice for you!
*Tess looks on from across the table.*

*Tess squints at them. Abbey sits next to her, arms crossed.*
Tess: I’m not buying it.
Abbey: She’s hard to read.

*Tess sweats nervously, averting her gaze.*
Tess: This all feels so wrong..
*Abbey side-eyes Tess.*
Abbey: Tell me about it.

*Mike’s smile drops into a grimace.*
Tess: He’s the only person she ever lowers her defenses for..
*Lucy glances at Mike, annoyed.*
Lucy: ?
Tess: They’re so intimate and yet they’re not..?

*Mike stands, leering at them and leaning forward on the table.*
Mike: I can HEAR you, y’know. Sorry we’re not meeting your expectations.
*Tess and Abbey freeze.*

*David raises a finger, looking serious.*
David: Yeah! So what if they’ve been the closest of friends for years, spending nearly every moment together to the point they know each other from the inside out!

*David pauses, thoughtfully.*
David: Hey, wait..
*Mike stares.*
Mike: Just stop talking.
*Tess smirks at David.*
Tess: Got it in one.

*Mike scoffs.*
Mike: If only Sandy was here to change your minds. If you saw us, it REALLY wouldn’t be hard to accept that we’re together.

*Appearing from behind, Paulo grins.*
Paulo: Does she put out on the first date?
*Mike freezes, his eyes wide.*

*Mike hits Paulo upside the head. Lucy looks on.*
Lucy: Paulo found a soft spot!

*Tess smirks at Lucy.*
Tess: So, is there anyone you’ve ever had a thing for?
*Lucy looks back at Tess, annoyed.*
Lucy: Why the hell should I tell you?
Tess: .. ahah

*David raises his hand, smiling mischievously.*
David: Lucy! Truth or dare!
*Lucy glances at David.*
Lucy: Huh? Truth.

*David grins and offers a hand to Tess.*
David: There ya go, Tess! Ask away!
[An arrow, pointed to Lucy: Just realized]
*Lucy blushes, looking mad. Tess clasps her hands together, smiling brightly.*
Tess: David, I’m impressed!

*Tess turns back to Lucy with a smirk on her face.*
Tess: Okay, Lucy.. You can’t get out of this one..

Tess: Who was your first cruuush~?
*Lucy holds a hand up to her chest, suddenly shy.*

*Mike turns his head, scowling. He is holding Paulo by the fur on his chest. Paulo’s eyes are shut as he bleeds from his nose.*
Mike: Oh C’MON! You already know what she’s gonna say!

*Mike lets Paulo go, looking shocked. Paulo opens his eyes to look at Lucy.*
Paulo: ?

Mike: .. What?
*Lucy blushes, and her eyes slip shut.*
Lucy: T-that’s right.

Author commentary

Veronica: Tess and Abbey are clearly MikexLucy fans, too. So many characters ship MikexLucy! I think the only person who doesn’t actively ship them is Daisy and Paulo.. for, well, understandable reasons each.

I wonder if Lucy whispered the answer knowing only Mike would be able to pick it up. Did she want to rub it in??

(No, she didn’t. Mike just has ridiculous hearing. I think Lucy would have rathered nobody heard)

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