*Tess frowns.*
Tess: You might be good at math, but how can you help with all my other classes? I’m two years ahead of you!
*Tess glares as she leans in close to Daisy.*
Tess: Let me see that card.
*Daisy sweats and raises her hands defensively.*
Daisy: Ahah, Tess.. I don’t think you need to.. uh..
*Lucy holds out a piece of paper.*
Lucy: Here it is.
*Tess turns to Lucy and grins.*
Tess: Oh, thank you~!
*Daisy, blushing deeply, begins to panic.*
*Tess takes the report card and starts reading it.*
Tess: Let’s see here..
*Daisy, horrified, reaches out to her in vain.*
Daisy: WAIT
*Tess quickly becomes distraught as she reads over Daisy’s grades.*
Tess: ALL A+S?!
*Tess goes pale after noticing a simple drawing of Mike with a heart above it on Daisy’s report card.*
Tess: Um.. is that a doodle of..
*Daisy turns away and buries her face in her hands.*
Daisy: S-SHUTTUP!!
*Daisy, blushing fiercely, turns back to face Tess. Her hands are clutched to her chest.*
Daisy: Look! Do you want me to tutor you or not?!
*Tess looks uncertain.*
Tess: Well, I don’t know.. we only share that one class..
*Daisy frowns.*
Daisy: Let’s see your notes!
*Lucy throws Tess’ notebook at Daisy.*
Lucy: Here.
*Tess glares at Lucy.*
Tess: Are you just digging through other people’s stuff now?
*Tess grimaces as Daisy reads through her notes.*
Tess: Sorry if you don’t get some of the more difficult questions..
*Daisy continues to read. Tess shrugs.*
Tess: Maybe if I explain some of the novels we’ve been reading you’ll be better prepared for Junior year!
Tess: So it’s more like an equal trade. Honestly, if you can just help me with math..
*Daisy frowns as she reads further.*
Daisy: Hmm..
*Daisy closes her eyes and puts two of her fingers to her forehead.*
Daisy: …
*Tess watches Daisy, uncertain.*
Tess: ..?
*Daisy opens her eyes, a triumphant smile on her face. A lightbulb appears above her head.*
Daisy: Ahh, it all makes sense now!
*Tess looks fed up.*
Tess: What?!
*Daisy smiles at Tess with a little hesitation.*
Daisy: It only took a while because your notes are a little messy.
*Tess huffs at Daisy, her tail puffed out.*
Tess: Excuse me?!
*Mike and Lucy watch Daisy and Tess from the other side of the lunch table. Mike is sweating slightly.*
Lucy: She can be pretty blunt about schoolwork.
*Mike glances over to Lucy.*
Mike: What I’m wondering is why she freaked out about showing her amazing report card.
*Lucy smirks.*
Lucy: Oh, it was because of the doodle of--
*Daisy, blushing with a crazed expression, rushes over and punches Lucy directly in the face.*
*Mike looks on, distraught.*
Mike: LUCY!!

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Comment ID #582
Punched LUCY.
What just happened to the world?
Allyson January 31, 2010, 3:49 PM EST.
Comment ID #7388
UNIT2960 April 22, 2010, 8:24 PM EDT.
Comment ID #21613
Desperate enough to punch her? I never thought I’d see the day… O.O
Cuddle Bear May 14, 2010, 4:15 AM EDT.