[Caption: Back to the present]
Chirpy: Mommy, don’t you at least wanna try it?
*Yashy winces.*
Yashy: Uhh..
*Yashy makes a forced triumphant pose.*
Yashy: Nah, I’m already too awesome as it is! Why make all the aviating species jealous?
Yashy: Besides, you’ve got Blur to flap around with. It was a good thing he showed up and taught you how to fly when I couldn’t.
*Yashy recalls the image of Mike finding Blur, lying on the ground.*
Yashy: When Flea ended up finding that busted-up loser, I guess it was a lucky thing he remembered the basics.
Blur: Admiring me behind my back, again?
*Yashy pouts.*
Yashy: Die, idiot!
Blur: Hey, wanna show me your best dive, Chirpy?
Chirpy: Okay, Daddy!
*Yashy crosses her arms.*
Yashy: Whoa, wait wait wait! Time out!
Chirpy: ?
Yashy: What’d you just call him?
Chirpy: Daddy!
*Yashy frowns.*
Yashy: Who gave you THAT idea?
Chirpy: Boy-Kitty said you’re my mommy and Boy-Birdie’s my daddy!
*Yashy is stunned.*
*Mike and Lucy snicker to themselves. Yashy glares at them.*
Mike: He he he
Lucy: Ho ho ho
*Yashy lunges towards Mike.*
Yashy: What’s this you’ve been peddling?
Mike: A woman needs her man.
Yashy: Blur and I are NOTHING like that, scumbag!
*Mike makes a smug face.*
Mike: Oh, that’s a familiar theme! I think you’re due a little payback!
*Yashy is utterly furious.*
*Yashy jumps at a startled Mike.*
*Yashy beats up Mike. Lucy, Chirpy and Blur watch, blankly.*
Lucy: I should probably stop her.
*Chirpy looks on with starry eyes.*
Chirpy: Did you see how far Mommy FLIED??
*Lucy looks unimpressed.*
Lucy: It was more like a fancy jump.
Yashy: ♥ Mommy! You did it! ♥
Chirpy: But next time she’s gotta flap harder! Right, Daddy?
*Yashy looks up for a moment.*
Yashy: STOP THAT!!
*Blur blushes.*
Blur: uhh

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Author commentary
Veronica: Mike you have GOT to chill
Anyway, little cute Chirpy backstory done! Yay! See you next chapter!