*Mike waves his arm in frustration.*
Mike: Hey! No fair!
*Yashy sits on the egg.*
Mike: Now even YASHY has a pet? What about me?
*Mike pouts.*
Mike: I deserve one.
Lucy: What if it catches your stupid?
Mike: Oh, and you’re okay with YASHY taking care of anything?
Lucy: At least while it’s an egg, sure!
Yashy: I can!! I can!!
*A small crack appears on the egg.*
Mike: Are you sure about that?
*Yashy looks down to see the egg opening up.*
Yashy: ?
*Yashy quickly jumps off.*
Yashy: It.. cracked?!
*Lucy holds her hand to her face.*
Lucy: Wow, so soon?
*The egg makes a sound.*
Baby bird: Cheep cheep.
*A stressed Yashy grabs the egg.*
Yashy: I’ll break you out!
Lucy: Yashy, just let it do it!
*The baby bird fully breaks out from the egg.*
*The bird and Yashy look at each other.*
Baby bird: ?
Yashy: …
*Lucy smiles as Mike continues pouting.*
Lucy: Aww.
Mike: I’m calling child services.
*Yashy fawns over the bird.*
Yashy: My.. baby!
Baby bird: Cheep cheep
Yashy (narrating): And so she grew up. I named her “Chirpy”..
*The mother bird flies into the sky, looking unsettled.*
Yashy (narrating): We still haven’t found her mom. Maybe one day she’ll fly back.
*Yashy holds Chirpy’s hand as she attempts to walk.*
Yashy (narrating): But after all this time raising her, I guess, well..
*Yashy laughs while showing Chirpy a game controller.*
Yashy (narrating): I’ve tried to be a good mom.
Chirpy: ??

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Author commentary
Veronica: Has anyone else tried to hatch an egg before? I remember taking a chicken egg when I was 5 and trying to incubate it by keeping it warm, but I think it was one of those eggs that didn’t have a baby inside and was purely for consumption. That’s how they’re sold in stores, right? I recall that’s what my father told me when he decided enough was enough and he needed to BREAK MY RESOLVE.
But it’s okay because I was 5 and I got distracted by something else soon after. At least Yashy got to live my dreams!
Oliver: Cheep cheep cheep’s the name of her soul.