*Augustus sits at his desk in a crowded classroom, gazing out the window.*
*He zones out. The bell rings, catching his attention.*
*Augustus leaves the classroom. A taller dog student elbows Augustus on the way out. Augustus glares.*
*Augustus reaches into his locker, his hand on a book. He peers out from behind the locker door, looking mildly annoyed.*

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Reader comments
Comment ID #180475
Augustus just cant help but look evil, can he?
Redneck September 5, 2011, 2:35 AM EDT.
Comment ID #180496
that girl up top looks quite angry at her piece of paper O3O
Kitsune September 5, 2011, 3:04 AM EDT.
Comment ID #180567
He seems… up to something
nat3prodigy September 5, 2011, 9:12 AM EDT.