Tess (thinking): So this is my final year…
*Tess closes her locker, her face obscured.*
*Tess walks down the hall with her head lowered.*
*Students pass her in the hallway.*
*Tess, now alone in the hallway, looks up with an unhappy expression.*
*She wearily looks to her left.*

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Comment ID #182448
Poor Tess, looks like she’s suffering from the senior-year blues.
Bookwyrm September 18, 2011, 11:59 PM EDT.
Comment ID #182503
Oh, I like Tess! been a while since we last saw her. Let’s see what happens next!
V September 19, 2011, 1:45 AM EDT.
Comment ID #213945
This school is very strict on recycling, the posters “yell” at the students…
what sorcery is this?
Sycrin April 10, 2012, 12:52 AM EDT.