*A lovestruck Daisy approaches Mike.*
Daisy: So, Mikie! What kinda music do you like?
Mike: Umm..
Mike: I don’t know! I don’t really have a favorite genre.
Mike: I don’t like most of the new stuff on the radio…
*Daisy holds her hands to her cheeks and smiles at Mike.*
Daisy: ♥ So you’re into CLASSICAL music? You’re so smart, Mikie! ♥
Mike: Err, not THAT old!
Lucy: What is this, the Victorian era?
Yashy: Victorian? She’s such a harlot!
*Mike looks thoughtful.*
Mike: If I had to pick music.. I don’t know.. maybe something cool and relaxing.. Smooth jazz?
*Daisy scribbles on her paper.*
Daisy: Oh, I’ll write that down immediately!
Daisy: Hey, Lucy! What kinda music would you like for the dance?
*Mike glances at Lucy with wide eyes.*
Lucy: Why does it matter? Doubt I’ll be going.
*Yashy looks up at Lucy, bothered*
*Mike and Daisy look at Lucy with blank expressions.*
Daisy and Mike: …
*Daisy leans towards Mike.*
Daisy: She’s not going to the dance, she says~ ♥
*Mike looks sheepish.*
Mike: uh..
*Daisy side-eyes Mike.*
Daisy: So you take orders from this weird green thing, Mikie?
*Mike is embarrassed.*
Mike: N-No! I don’t!
*Daisy smiles.*
Daisy: So you wouldn’t mind..
*Mike puts up his hands.*
Mike: Wait that doesn’t mean I..
*Yashy shakes her fist at Daisy.*
Yashy: Keep those grubby paws to yourself!!
*Yashy and Daisy bicker as Mike cowers in the corner.*
Daisy: He doesn’t listen to you.
Yashy: It’s obvious he’ll say no!
Daisy: Says who?
Yashy: ME!!
Daisy: You don’t get to choose for him.
Yashy: Shuttup, homewrecker!
*Mike flaps his arms in exasperation.*
Mike: Girls! Girls! Stop fighting over me!
*Lucy, Yashy and Daisy pause.*
Lucy and Daisy: …
Lucy: Who said we’re fighting over you? Weirdo.
Lucy: Unless you wanna date Yashy, you great big pedophile.
*Mike looks mortified.*
Mike: …
Yashy: Mom, I badly wanna hurt you sometimes.
Lucy: What’d I do?
*Daisy chases after a retreating Mike.*
Daisy: Where are you going, Mikie!!
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Reader comments
Comment ID #5500
i feel mike’s pain man, i feel his pain
bored as hell April 18, 2010, 1:15 PM EDT.
Comment ID #26074
To tell the truth, I would like some jazz. Blues would be nice, ‘cause most of it’s romantic. I demand it to have some piano!
Karthorak May 23, 2010, 9:11 PM EDT.
Comment ID #188130
Smooth move, Mike. Real smooth.
Harris012 November 2, 2011, 8:33 AM EDT.