*It begins to rain. Daisy looks up at the sky, dismayed.*
Daisy: uh?
*Paulo covers the bird with his hand. He and Daisy look pretty glum.*
Paulo: Aww, man..
Paulo: At this rate the stupid thing’ll catch a cold..
*Paulo looks over to Daisy.*
*Daisy is drenched. Her hair is getting frizzy from the rain.*
Daisy: ?
*Paulo smiles sheepishly. Daisy’s whole body is now frizzed-up.*
Daisy: What?! What’s wrong with me?!
*Paulo blushes and looks away, still grinning.*
Paulo: Uhh..
*Daisy examines her hair, touching the top of her head.*
Daisy: Oh no..
*Paulo, still blushing, looks worried.*
Daisy: Oh, I hate my stupid curly hair..
*Daisy notices Paulo walking away.*
Daisy: HEY!!
*Paulo turns to Daisy, still sheltering the bird from the rain.*
Paulo: Let’s stop standing around! C’mon, this guy doesn’t have much longer!!
*Daisy looks sad, then puts on a determined face. They both start running.*
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Reader comments
Comment ID #188683
lol. I remember Paulo takes forever to dry off….
and wet fur makes stuff… embarrassing
run, man run….
Desterga November 5, 2011, 10:39 PM EDT.
Comment ID #188736
Panel 7: Paulo Derp face.
Last panel: Paulo running for his life from zombie Daisy.
Jorje November 6, 2011, 11:28 AM EST.
Comment ID #222753
She’s cute!
ema July 16, 2012, 4:04 AM EDT.