8. Helping Hands, original chapter posted 7/15/11

Page 4 of 9

Helping Hands — Page 4



*The bird rests in Paulo’s arms.*
Daisy: So..
Paulo: So?

*Daisy looks up at Paulo.*
Daisy: Think Lucy’s gonna keep it?

*Paulo smiles.*
Paulo: Feh, maybe.. Wouldn’t surprise me.

*Daisy puts a finger to her mouth in thought.*
Daisy: I’d keep it, but my mom doesn’t want pets.

*Daisy eagerly looks at Paulo.*
Daisy: Hey! Why don’t you!
*Paulo frowns.*
Paulo: Eh?

*Daisy beams.*
Daisy: You’re good at taking care of babies! How else did we get extra credit for--

*Paulo shooshes Daisy with a hand to her mouth. His ears turn downward as he blushes.*
Paulo: Stop bringing that up!

*Paulo continues blushing and turns away.*
Paulo: God, it’s so embarrassing!!

*Daisy smiles mischievously.*

*The two continue walking, silhouetted against the sky.*
Daisy: Girls like when guys are good with kids, you know!
Paulo: Really.
Daisy: Yeah! If you were more open about it, you’d be a hit with the ladies~
Paulo: I already am.
Daisy: Really?
Paulo: Oh, uh, n-nevermind.

Author commentary

Veronica: I wonder if down the road Paulo would be the kinda guy to have like.. ten cats.

.. Though I guess in BCB universe, that’s like, ten birds. Or ten hedgehogs??? I don’t even know, I need to not entertain the thought. I don’t want to be forced to make lore.

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #188673

“I already am.” XDD

Musashi November 5, 2011, 9:50 PM EDT.

Comment ID #189815

Paulo’s a cheater and he doesn’t know it. :P
Ladies-man to much?

Harris012 November 12, 2011, 7:26 PM EST.

Comment ID #205734

paulo doesn’t get it, ladies love a man with more emotion that thick-headed toughness. sure, girls like a protector, but a man that can out-shout any guy is much better, and less violent, then just smacking another dude around. but it doesn’t hurt to be big and brawny, but still have a heart of gold. i’m sort of that way. intimidating, yet caring. i’m a beast with a huge heart.

max ;P January 15, 2012, 11:23 PM EST.

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