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Comment ID #279649
hahahha Something tells me she doesn’t want anyone to know of her love for gaming
Silversoma April 21, 2014, 1:01 PM EDT.
Comment ID #279679
I can see that she doesn’t want anyone to know that she plays MMOs but these really is no shame in playing one. The problem is peer pressure, if her friends find out they will mock her for it and consider her unpopular. Honestly, those kinds of people are not worth being friends with as they tend to discourage things that other people like. In her case, she does not want to be called a nerdy loser by her friends. If I were in her shoes I wouldn’t be friends with them.
Keyblade Dragon April 21, 2014, 1:15 PM EDT.
Comment ID #279774
I do find this to be a normal reaction when a girl is embarrassed. Which leads into the mode of emotional overload and can’t think of what to do. Then goes into throwing something that is closest to her is the best idea at the time. Much better to have the lemonade tossed at him then a frying pan.
I am not one to post back to back on comics, though I figured I would toss in amusing thought I had on the side. Though highly unlikely to have her parents home so soon after school, if both parents work. But if one was home, imagine the kind of reaction a parent would have having their daughter scream bloody murder upstairs with a boy in her room. Then take it to the next step and open the door and see him all cowering, holding his ears down with lemonade all over him as if he had just done something bad in the first place. Just an amusing thought.
Synyen April 21, 2014, 10:20 PM EDT.