Small Fry — Page 16
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Comment ID #282887


I agree. I don’t know if those nice moments are Lucy being herself anymore than when she was mean, but, she created a toxic environment for everyone around her, and while her absence has caused a loss for everyone, they are maturing so much right now.

Its particularly painful because I think Lucy was trying so hard to get better in the end, and to some extent succeeding. But, she was sitting in the toxic environment she helped create, and it was tearing her apart. :(

Anyhow. People can change. I think she was trying to change. It can be very hard to change when you’re in an environment that has specific expectations of you, or old wounds that you’ve caused. I’m glad Lucy is elsewhere, and I really really hope that she’s gone to a place where she can heal and mature too.

I’m also glad Paulo and Rachel are having such a mature and open conversation about their feelings! I’m so glad Paulo is being frank and blunt but still kind.

Fish June 20, 2014, 1:42 PM EDT.

Comment ID #282965

I don’t comment often, but this page is really touching. I’m in a similar situation with an ex right now. We dated casually for two years, knowing that things couldn’t get serious between us because we want different things in life, but now that I’ve moved away we talk about “what if” we got serious… And it’s hard to accept that we very likely shouldn’t. Love is hard, man. This chapter really captures that feeling.

Maki June 22, 2014, 6:26 AM EDT.

Comment ID #282975

@the who’s driving crowd,

I think they’re parked. Just clueing you guys in if you think there’s about to be a wreck.

strider June 22, 2014, 6:58 PM EDT.

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