Didn't make it due to dimensions, i suppose.
Dr. Klaus
Didn't make it due to dimensions, i suppose.
Dr. Klaus
Oh ya sexy Daisy face.
This is really good
lulz, Daisy musta picked up these moves from Augustus.
It should have made the cut for the fan comic intermission.
I love the drawing of Lucy and Mike hugging. It's rather cute. And Lucy looks a tad mad when she taunts Mike. (cat ears folded back)
O///O Oh my, that's a tad aggressive, Daisy? 'Frustrated' much? Kinda surprised she didn't force on one him...
Almost forgot about David!
Haha, silly choco lab...Making us always laugh...
What the hell you guys, seriously? Did you think this was meant to be in the guest comic run? I only knew about it today via DA so don't go all jumping into conclusions about it, ffs
but...jumping to conclusions is fun....
Mike likes dudes.
Lucy is SO cute! Mike is SOOOO cute!
And, for the life of me, I wish I could do that weird "shading through the leaves on bodies" thing.
Brilliant work!
Did daisy just......what?
Other than that, this is fantastic
wow the animation is incredible, nicely done.
Daisy making her moves on Mike in subtle ways. You sneaky you.
Daisy just owned Mike.
OH SNAP! This is amazing.
lmao ohh those conclusion jumpers
this is great btw
Beyond awesome! words cannot describe how great this is
Oh my god this is so cute and adorable and the pastel colors and everything aaahhhhh if I could draw like this I would spend all day drawing. def. gj
Awesome bit of art here. Tree engravings ftw.
- SJ
Very nice.
"The all mighty Blank Space", AKA "Drawing feet is friggin hard!!"
This is freaking awesome! fantastic job, though who is Lucy talking about in the first panel?
wow nice job...esp. the shading. I can never get shadows right with trees. good job!
@ KillerCobraZ117:
Probably Sandy.
Or maybe she's trying to repeatedly say "you wanna bang her" to Mike so that everytime he looks at Lucy, the words "you wanna bang her" pop into his head.
Ya know, kinda like a subliminal message of sorts...
Just a thought...
Love Lucy's face on the second panel while saying "you wanna bang her" xDD
Deviously cute, huh Effie?
You need more math lessons.
I sincerely hope it turns out that he has to kiss Lucy for the play.
This is wonderful <3
Anon 7, what the f
Comment Deleted
I have to say... OH SNAP.
Once more, an awesome job.
You never fail to amaze with your art.
frick lulz
It's a good thing this wasn't canon considering they ended up being siblings in the play >.>
Yes yes lucy we know you want to bang mike. We can see it on your face.
Lucy and Mike in the first panel is just so amazing and cute and the style AUGH I just can't.
This is the best <3
when the girl about to kiss you was a ditto five seconds ago
Excellent drawing.
Comment ID #28266
how did this not make the cut?
this is excellent.
Anonymous #1 on June 6, 2011.