
Candybooru image #6484, tagged with AugustusxDaisy BCB_Music_Meme Justin Lucy Mike MikexLucy MikexSandy Molly Paulo PauloxLucy Ribbon_(Artist) meme


Comment ID #51479

Okay, so I was a major cheater when it came to this meme, but only because I wanted to flat color the images instead of leaving them as sketched :c so I'll explain what's going on in each one.

#1: Stars by Beat! Beat! Beat!
Lucy is having a dream about her Mike watching the sunrise.

#2: I Miss You by Blink 182
Lucy somehow got Mike's scarf and misses him. A lot.

#3: Way Away by Yellowcard
Mike basically breaking off the friendship with Lucy.. or maybe Lucy trying to rekindle it and Mike isn't allowing it.

#4: There's Nothing Like You and I by The Perishers
Sandy and Mike being lovey.

#5: Absolutely by Nine Days
Paulo thinking about Lucy's smile.

#6: The Sound of You and Me - Yellowcard
Lucy and Mike remembering and missing one another; Mike is thinking of the time when they first became friends, while Lucy is thinking about what he said after the Confrontation arc.

#7: Everybody Talks by Neon Trees
Daisy begins dating Augustus, and her friends are pretty skeptical and disappointed about it.

#8: Hey There Delilah by Plain White T's
Mike thinking about Sandy and where she lives.

#9: Dear Bobbie by Yellowcard
Paulo and Lucy get married and grow old together. Paulo is looking at a picture of the day they got married.

#10: Fireflies by Owl City
..Just Justin and Molly around a bunch of fireflies.

Paulo's hand looks horrible in #9 but I was being lazy :c other than that, I think this is pretty decent.

Ribbon on July 28, 2012.

Comment ID #51480

Your illustrations and interpretations of the songs are so freakin' adorable. Fav'd and saved to computer.

Zanzibar on July 28, 2012.

Comment ID #51484

I like your taste in music

diFAdam on July 28, 2012.

Comment ID #51485

Thank you, guys!

Ribbon on July 28, 2012.

Comment ID #51486

This is very sweet!!

Taeshi on July 28, 2012.