39. Love My Way, original chapter posted 6/27/07

Page 14 of 22

Love My Way — Page 14



*Mike stomps away from the carnival into the darkened park, still scowling. Daisy chases after him, distraught.*
Daisy: Mikie! Wait! Stop! Mikie!!

*Daisy yells at Mike, upset.*
Daisy: Why are you being so difficult?!
*Mike glares over his shoulder at her.*
Mike: Isn’t it OBVIOUS?! Haven’t you gotten the point after all these years?

*Daisy frowns at him, raising a hand to gesture.*
Daisy: You’ve never even given me a chance, Mikie!

*Daisy smiles coquettishly at Mike, putting a hand on his chest as he frowns disapprovingly.*
Daisy: C’mon, Mikie.. You know I love you.. What have you got to lose..?

*Mike smacks Daisy’s hand off him and turns away, glaring.*
Mike: Sandy.

*Daisy scowls petulantly, tucking the bear under her arm.*
Daisy: Oh, c’mon! Sandy, Lucy.. you always sacrificed so much for so little.. You know NEITHER of them deserve you. You need someone who’s HERE for you!
*Mike glowers at her.*
Mike: ..!

*Daisy smiles meanly, looking down.*
Daisy: Besides, I’m sure Sandy has her honey at home for the times she’s feeling lonely.
*Mike barks angrily in response.*
Mike: WHAT?! Stop talking crap!! You don’t know her!!

*Daisy holds her bear to her chest and looks at Mike with disdain.*
Daisy: Don’t I?

*Daisy recalls her days as Sandy’s friend. A young Sandy and Daisy sit together, smiling, as Daisy holds a paper.*
Daisy (narrating): I was her best friend before you two ever talked.. and she’s exactly the type to look for outside help..

Daisy (narrating): That used to be my role, right up until you came along.
*Continuing her recollection, Daisy recalls Sandy talking to Mike in class. Sandy rests a hand on Mike’s desk, smiling as Mike looks up at her, flustered and anxious. Daisy watches them interact from a distance, confused and dismayed.*

*Mike scowls, exasperated.*
Mike: I OFFERED my help!
*Daisy looks away from Mike and waves a hand dismissively.*
Daisy: So did I.
Mike: So why am I the one she’s still talking to?!
Daisy: She must love the attention!

*Daisy frowns coldly, looking over her shoulder at Mike.*
Daisy: Mikie, she doesn’t deserve you..

*Mike leans forward in irritation.*
Mike: Look, even AFTER I helped her with her work, she spent all her time with me! You’re WRONG!
Daisy: Oh, that’s all so far in the past, now..

*Daisy gazes up at Mike, smiling invitingly. Mike stares at her with wide eyes, scandalized.*
Daisy: Why don’t you embrace what you have here, tonight?

*Daisy smiles sweetly. Her eyes are large and luminous.*
Daisy: I know I’m ready to..

*Mike pulls his wrist out of Daisy’s grip and turns from her. Daisy freezes up and looks irritated.*

*Daisy cries after Mike, holding a fist up as she despairs.*
Daisy: Mikie!!
Mike: Daisy..

*Mike spins around. He glares at Daisy furiously, ears down and shoulders tense.*
Mike: Do I have to tell you a MILLION TIMES?!?
Daisy: !!

Author commentary

Veronica: Wow, you sure have some unfinished business with Sandy, don’t you Daisy? Where did all this come from?

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #9165

that has GOT to be a emotional bich slap from hell

bored April 26, 2010, 11:32 PM EDT.

Comment ID #167984

I would support MikexDaisy if she wasn’t so goddamn pushy. But the fact that Mike simply isn’t interested in her and that she is aware of that makes any sympathy I would have for her vanish.

KiwiKoala June 19, 2011, 6:26 PM EDT.

Comment ID #183285

I just want to say I understand perfectly what Daisy is going through here. She’s just trying to do what she thinks is best. It’s a little selfish, but she deserves that - look at all the other times she’s tried to be considerate and helpful toward everyone and gets little to no appreciation in return. She just wants Mike to give her a chance and thinks if she pushes hard enough he’ll stop resisting and find happiness with her. That way never ends well, as we all know, but… when you’re love, you tend to ditch logic. I truly feel sorry for her.

Lumi September 27, 2011, 9:12 PM EDT.

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