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Comment ID #25782
Mike tried to stand up for you Paulo
Kiall Vun Myeret
Comment ID #25783
Yeah, but I imagine it’s easy to think/feel no one has got your back after what just happened. Unfortunately he’s not in the best state of mind right now :<
Comment ID #25784
People have already mentioned that this is before Paulo tells Lucy he’d ditch all his friends to stay with her, which Lucy rejects to his dismay, only to have Mike stumble across him and show him genuine concern making him feel like a hypocrite. This entire page adds another fun spin to that entire dynamic.
I swear, for all of their faults in the past, particularly Paulo’s “cheater” ploy in Freshman year which was the catalyst for Mike’s downward spiral, which in turn caused Mike to get pretty toxic and abusive towards Paulo, this chapter really showcases how Mike and Paulo have slowly become one of the healthiest pairs in the comic. I mean, hell, just look at their last conversation in New Years Resolution. They’ve constantly pushed each-other to be better, even at their lowest points. Hell, Paulo near single-handedly got Mike over his Sandy worship, despite how nasty Mike was to him at the time. Out of the entire main cast, I think theirs is the relationship I want to see last to the end of the comic.
Comment ID #25785
“Makes fun of me all he wants”
Uhh.. Paulo..
Comment ID #25786
I guess at the end he was referring to Daisy? Not that I blame him, but interesting to see him talk/think negatively about her. He’s really going through it right now…
Comment ID #25787
Honestly, it’s kinda refreshing to see something go poorly for a character in this comic KNOWING that things are going to get better for them in the future. I mean, they get worse first, of course, but Paulo has since gotten on pretty good terms with almost everyone in that room since. (save for Sue) I’m kinda starting to dread going back into the unknown of new chapters after this, because it feels like the comic is due for at LEAST one more tragic rug pull the closer we get to senior year. >.>
Comment ID #25788
Yeah, it’s too soon assuming no other big emotional situation will happen in the future… I’m here for it though, things have taken lots of turns and twists and as a long time reader I’m curious to see it all go down
Comment ID #25789
Unfortunately for him, she knew what she was talking about.