Intermission: Behind Closed Doors, page posted 7/26/24

Page 19 of 32

Behind Closed Doors — Page 19

Author commentary

Veronica: Mike will never live it down.

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #25946

Kick them out of your house Michael oh my god.


Comment ID #25947

Real anime villain line from Sue here


Comment ID #25948

Sue feels vindictive. She was pissed at Mike for missing their game. Fair enough, but that’s started to spill over. She ripped his Lucy stitch on purpose because she wants Daisy to tear down Paulo. It’s uncivil and it is destructive, and she is encouraging bad behavior. Normally I like Sue, but her moral lights are dim here.

Dave Ostroske  

Comment ID #25949

OMG Sue there is more to talk about than gossiping about others.


Comment ID #25950

Well this meeting has run away a little.


Comment ID #25951

That was without a doubt lowest blow ever.

Rocky Wolfknight  

Comment ID #25952

Damn sue, just hit him. Think it would’ve hurt less


Comment ID #25953

Ok this got from being ugly gossip to being extremely Toxic fast.

Birgir Óli Konrádsson  

Comment ID #25954

Sue is showing a really nasty side of her in this chapter. It’s almost uncomfortable to see, haha. teens can be pretty awful when they want to :P


Comment ID #25955

BCB truly never ceases to amaze me with how accurately it depicts those petty little teenagers with NO sense for their surroundings lmaoo, whose house do you think you’re staying at this moment Sue!! I mean I kinda feel her… but still SUE that’s such an awkward topic for everybody in the room please, c’mooon :‘)


Comment ID #25956

I personally have pretty low empathy for Mike but geez Sue, you need to relax for a minute or just leave

Some Rogue  

Comment ID #25957

Sue is showing a really nasty side of her today, geez. I hope this ends with mike kicking them out.

Judy the Owl  

Comment ID #25958

I thought these people were friends lol


Comment ID #25959

Oof! Sue, why?! I had a similar situation happen to me as an adult but I was the observer. I let my two friends sort it out by themselves and brought the other ppl in the group to a different conversation. Looking at Daisy for a similar save, please! 😅


Comment ID #25960

She did NOT have to go there. Damn!!


Comment ID #25961

Sue has a lot of moments that makes me side eye her. Like what is your problem right now? Get out that boy’s house please😩

Aesthete Noire  

Comment ID #25962

Sue is just being a complete jerk here. Mike is supposed to be her friend, there’s no reason to go there. Besides, “but you’ve done Thing before too” is a terrible, immature argument. I get they’re teens but Sue’s no drama thing is looking a lot like bs at the moment.


Comment ID #25963

Mike is, admittedly, the bigger jerk. It’s ok to be vindictive about Lucy, but when people do it to Paolo it isn’t?

orange slice  

Comment ID #25964

I mean this all started by Mike saying he’s worried about him so


Comment ID #25965

So no one really does care about Lucy in this friend group. Good thing she keeps away.


Comment ID #25966

They’re all kind of jerks to each other.


Comment ID #25967

I feel like Mike could throw the very same thing back at her. Loving Lucy despite the way she treated him. But it’d be better to throw them all out


Comment ID #25968

Mike: (Uh-oh, she’s calling me out, better think fast!)

Mike: Paulo’s in my closet! (He runs out of his bedroom)

Everyone: !

Paulo: O_O


Comment ID #25969

They are being really Disgusting right now…


Comment ID #25970

And suddenly High Expectations, and Mike’s explosive reaction to her prodding about Sandy seems justified. Ironic that she’ll do this, but in less than no time go on to defend Paulo and say Mike’s the one being unpleasant… Can’t let Mike talk to you that way but treat his relationships like a weapon? No wonder he blew up in your face.


Comment ID #25971

Sue is so out of line here

I’m sorry but unless Paulo starts beating her up on a daily basis to the point that she sometimes come home with bloody noses and bruised chins she has zero right to compare those events.

Mike had a good reason to be vindictive against Lucy, Sue is just being petty

Kiall Vun Myeret  

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