Intermission: Behind Closed Doors, page posted 6/14/24

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Behind Closed Doors — Page 1

Author commentary

Veronica: Hello and welcome to a new chapter!!!! Wow!!!!

Or is it new… technically it shouldn’t be.

Souppy and I have been slowly working on Omnibus 2 (secret revealed!) and we are taking opportunities to fix little things that have bugged me about the story. With Omnibus 1, as you know, it was a lot. Omnibus 2 doesn’t need as much of that kind of tweaking, thankfully! I’m pretty happy with Volumes 4-6! HOWEVER…

After rereading Volume Six, I found some issues in the arc where Paulo gives Daisy the silent treatment. Admittedly, around the time those chapters were written, I was already planning Lucy’s return, and I got so fixated and excited about bringing Lucy back to the story that I got impatient.. and as a result, I kind of neglected this storyline! Plus there were so many Paulo-centric chapters before Volume Six, and I technically had to draw “Golden Hour” twice because of how it was initially posted in sketch form… so man, I was getting a little sick of writing about him. I wanted Lucy back! I wanted Lucy to cause some chaos, challenge the dynamics of the group! That was exciting to me!

So I wrapped up that thread a bit too quickly.. and as a result, the arc didn’t develop as well as I wanted it. Why was Paulo so mad at Daisy? I think it makes sense if you read between the lines, but it was all too subtle. It’s not crazy to wonder: how come he ignored Daisy when they returned to school, right after having had such a meaningful important conversation with Matt? Didn’t that conversation tell Paulo know that he’s capable of good? How come he went back to his old womanising habits?

I justified it in my head that Paulo spent summer vacation stewing about the phone call with Daisy, feeling wronged by her, but also being fearful of being around Daisy because of Abbey. Paulo was genuinely scared of Abbey. Perhaps becoming what Abbey expects of him (a womanising jerk) will finally get Daisy off his back for good. She implied he is capable of cruelty, after all! Why not give that to her? Daisy can then leave him alone, and so Abbey won’t threaten him anymore. Two birds, one stone, right?

Some readers have kind of determined that was what was going on in his head - but this is too much stuff that wasn’t shown. And that’s why this chapter is being made! To bolster the weakest part of the story.

This chapter is supposed to take place between “Ice Block” and “Dial Tone.” It will be inserted further back in the archive once Omnibus 2 is ready, but for now it runs as a new chapter.

Anyway, that’s enough of me babbling! I hope you enjoy this chapter! I tried my best to emulate the Volume Six style, so enjoy a blast from the past!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #24278

Oooo I've been so worried about them only having a semester left of comic that I didn't even think about technically time travel


Comment ID #24279

Let's go two bros chilling playing games love to see it


Comment ID #24280

now why does the chips bag say lies. Do not play w me vero


Comment ID #24281

I love me some good ol' bag of fried lies


Comment ID #24282

My favorite flavored Lies chips are the Honey BBQ.


Comment ID #24283

Ooh, sweet 'n spicy Lies!

Dave Ostroske  

Comment ID #24284

This is so incredibly similar to Mike and Lucy's dynamic while gaming, it's eerie.


Comment ID #24285

And now I want chips… Thanks everyone!


Comment ID #24286

Ah so we're going back in time a little bit? Ok, just so we're not confused.

Kirk Findlay  

Comment ID #24394

Oooo I've been so worried about them only having a semester left of comic that I didn't even think about technically time travel


Comment ID #24395

Let's go two bros chilling playing games love to see it


Comment ID #24396

I love me some good ol' bag of fried lies


Comment ID #24397

Ooh, sweet 'n spicy Lies!

Dave Ostroske  

Comment ID #24398

This is so incredibly similar to Mike and Lucy's dynamic while gaming, it's eerie.


Comment ID #24399

Ah so we're going back in time a little bit? Ok, just so we're not confused.

Kirk Findlay  

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