120. Seeing Stars, page posted 5/15/24

Page 14 of 26

Seeing Stars — Page 14

Author commentary

Veronica: Mike hopes his legs grow long enough to be able to beat David, he’s at a severe disadvantage right now!!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #23943

this halftone is halftoning like never before


Comment ID #23944

Oh, David actually joined track!


Comment ID #23945

100% team Lucy and Augustus and always will be, but I'm going to be annoyed at them if they get snippy about Mike being on the team and outside. Just like the arcade, he has every right to be here as Lucy did there.


Comment ID #23946

Yeah they gonna come off being a bit hypocrit if they do that

Just walk away or find somewhere else to be and not make a scene

Rocky Wolfknight  

Comment ID #23947

This one is a lil confusing to me because like, mike is THERE already like always there in school with them. So there HAS to be more to this, it aint just that hes outside. I bet.. just a hunch... it has somn to do with james. 👀 But thats just my gamer theory.


Comment ID #23948

Nah, I think it's just the fact that he hadn't been going out on the track during lunch, so they thought it would be a safe space for Lucy to get away and have time to herself away from the drama. It's likely just that they hadn't realized he joined Track, which would increase the odds of him coming out to train at inopportune times for them.


Comment ID #23949

Good news everyone. Mike is back


Comment ID #23950

I see everyone saying Mike has every right to be there and that's true but considering what he pulled on Lucy fairly recently I think it's fair for it to be a slight 'Really?' moment that circumstances have aligned so that Mike has decided he's gonna regularly skip lunch to run in circles in front of Lucy's favorite spot to eat now. Maybe not his fault but honestly laughably unfortunate for her. About right for her luck though.


Comment ID #23951

Mike just living his best life and I'm here for it


Comment ID #23952

Plus as far as we know he's at least keeping his word to Aug.

Just this was just really bad timing considered what Lucy is going through right now

Rocky Wolfknight  

Comment ID #23953

Mike taking steroids confirmed.


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