18. Farewell, Middle School, original chapter posted 8/9/06

Page 5 of 6

Farewell, Middle School — Page 5



*The school bell rings.*
Student: Yay!!

*Daisy is on the verge of sobbing.*
Daisy: I’ll.. I’ll..

*Daisy waves her arms rapidly, crying hysterically.*

*She launches herself at Mike, who now has a bandage on his forehead.*
Daisy: Oh, Mikie!!
*Mike looks down at Daisy, blushing as she clings to him.*
Mike: Guh?

*Daisy holds onto Mike’s arm as he smiles at her.*
Daisy: You aren’t moving away over summer, right?! RIGHT?!?!
Mike: No, no! I won’t!!

*Yashy, still completely covered in chocolate, watches them from afar, angry.*
Yashy: How do you morons put UP with her!?
*Lucy returns a yearbook to a lovestruck student, John, having just signed it.*
Lucy: Here.
*John, who has short hair and large round glasses, blushes happily while holding his yearbook. Lucy looks at him blankly.*
[An arrow, pointed to the yearbook: sign!!]

*The doors to the front of the school burst open as the students and ice cream stream out.*

*Daisy raises her fist triumphantly, tears still in her eyes.*
Daisy: Onwards to better facilities with more opportunities to learn~!
*Katie walks by her, looking smitten.*
Katie: And, like, older guys ♥

*Mike walks past a happy-looking Sue and Amaya.*
Mike: Finally!!

*Paulo and David jump up and down, raising their hands in the air.*
Paulo and David: YAY!!

*Paulo stops mid-jump, smirking at David.*
Paulo: Dumbass ♥
*David’s joy turns to shock.*
David: ..!

*David glares at Paulo.*
David: woof
*Paulo recoils and begins to cry.*
Paulo: okay okay I’ll shut up

*A happy-looking Sun sings joyously.*
Mike (thinking): Wow..
Mike (thinking): As the sun smiles down upon us..

Mike (thinking): We’re finally free to be ourselves..
*Mike and Lucy gaze up at the summer sky, smiles on their faces.*

*They turn towards each other and approach each other with arms outstretched.*
Mike: Lucyyyy~!
Lucy: Miiiike~!

*Lucy kicks Mike’s cane out from under him and turns to walk away.*

Lucy: Wanna go for ice cream, jerkface?
*Yashy raises her hand.*
Yashy: Ooh! Ooh!
*Mike cries out in anguish as he collapses.*
Mike: AUGHH!!

*Lucy and Yashy smile as they walk away, ignoring Mike who remains keeled over on the ground.*
Mike: Why’d you do that!!
Lucy: It’s unfair to your girlfriend.
Mike: Lucy, COME ON!!
Yashy: I feel like chocolate!

Author commentary

Veronica: This page is another one of the pages inspired by one of the canned pages from “Unfulfilled Fantasy”.. a lot of the sequences were exactly the same, even the end! There were some small changes.. I don’t know if I still have the original page to compare.

Man, didn’t you feel this way when school was over? I love that sort of.. utterly blissful feeling that this chapter is closed and you don’t have to worry about school for a few months. It’s really making me nostalgic for my school days.

Though it’s funny I’m getting nostalgic about school ENDING.

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #145836

In Lucy’s own context, that’s actually rather sweet. Of course, Lucy has issues—no, volumes. ^^

ArchangelM127 February 6, 2011, 8:21 PM EST.

Comment ID #160035

That’s right, Lucy, keep Mike on track! :D

KillerCobraZ117 May 4, 2011, 4:20 PM EDT.

Comment ID #168486

Yashy wants chocolate ice cream but she is covered in chocolate XD

Danish June 22, 2011, 9:21 AM EDT.

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