*Mike and Lucy are playing a video game. Mike is frazzled, while Lucy grins mischievously.*
Lucy: Hahaha, you think you got me? Well, get a load of this!!
*An explosion appears on the TV screen. Lucy won.*
Mike: WHAT!!
Mike: Oh, come on! You’re basically cheating!
*Lucy pokes out her tongue.*
Lucy: Somebody’s a sore loser ♥
*Blur, a blue bird, is playing cards with Yashy across the room. They look over with curiosity.*
Mike: I’m NOT a sore loser! It’s a cheap move!
*Blur and Yashy frown as the argument continues.*
Lucy: Why’s it in the game then?
Mike: No, seriously! My health was perfect! Only cowards backspin, it’s way overpowered!
Lucy: Oh, so now I’m a coward?
Mike: YES!
Lucy: I’m not the one crying about a video game.
Mike: Oh, come on!
*Yashy throws up her arms, irritated by the bickering.*
Yashy: Hey, shut up!
Yashy: Go make out somewhere else, ’cuz WE’RE not interested!
Lucy: What?!
Blur: I am.
Yashy: Mommy, it’s just a game.
Lucy: You should be telling that to him!
Mike: You’re so defensive. It’s like I’m arguing with some thickhead jock.
Lucy: Excuse me?! WHO is crying over a loss here?
Mike: I was EXPLAINING how the win was cheap.
Blur: Oh, just perform coitus already.
*Mike kicks Blur into the sky. He and Lucy are noticeably embarrassed.*
Yashy: Flea IS kinda right about how boyish you can be, though..
*Lucy snaps.*
Lucy: That’s irrelevant, Yashy!!
Yashy: Ooh, touchy~
Mike: Okay, so I lost. Big deal. Can’t you admit it’s a lame attack, though?
Lucy: No, it was fair!
Mike: Fairly cheap!
*Lucy shoves Mike away.*

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Reader comments
Comment ID #4392
My question is how does that kid know that word?
Laharl April 14, 2010, 5:02 PM EDT.
Comment ID #32584
I think the funniest bit of this is the “I am” comment by Blur. Oh Blur, you are such a perv~
Titanium Dragon May 31, 2010, 4:01 PM EDT.
Comment ID #124925
Yashy, you should really shut up now.
josue hernandez November 13, 2010, 9:37 PM EST.