21. Enter High School, original chapter posted 9/10/06

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Enter High School — Page 1



[The panels of this page alternate between scenes of Mike and Lucy getting ready for the day.]
*Mike is startled awake by his bedside alarm going off.*

*Lucy listens to her alarm beep as she lies in bed.*

*Mike brushes his teeth as Blur gargles water beside him.*

*Lucy leans into the water as she takes a shower.*

*Mike grabs his scarf off his dresser.*

*Lucy finishes tying her bow around her neck.*

*Mike walks down his front steps.*

*Lucy walks along a grassy field.*

*Mike looks down frowning as he passes children playing on a slide.*

*Lucy walks past a child swinging on a swing set.*

*Mike suddenly notices something in front of him.*

*Lucy looks up in shock.*

*Lucy and Mike stare at each other, eyes wide.*

Lucy and Mike: School.

*They lean in closer, eyes continuing to widen.*
Lucy and Mike: School.

*They yell, panicked.*
Lucy and Mike: School!

*They turn to look at the viewer.*
Lucy and Mike: SCHOOL!!

*They wail, teeth grit in abject misery.*
Lucy and Mike: SCHOOOOOL!!

Author commentary

Veronica: When I first drew this chapter, I ran out of pages in my original notebook so I had to start a nice, clean, fresh, new one.

The new notebook is honestly a fitting beginning to a new chapter that highlights the beginning of high school! Art in my storytelling AND my media!!! Boy, I’m a genius!!

Anyway, I’m clearly more excited than Mike and Lucy, who are having the worst day of their lives. Didn’t the first day of school always feel stressful and awful??? I never looked forward to it!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #34375

oh, I know how they fell! tha’s what I cryed the first day of school this year xD

Díaz June 1, 2010, 8:13 PM EDT.

Comment ID #66642

i like this page..
Lucy and Mike FINNALY agree on something..
YAY! ^-^

cats4ever98 July 29, 2010, 10:59 AM EDT.

Comment ID #176932

Favorite page so far. This happened to me at least twice.

jackkuro August 13, 2011, 8:16 PM EDT.

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