*Mike and Lucy walk down the hallway. Lucy smiles.*
Lucy: That English class was really fun!
*Mike looks deeply upset.*
Mike: I just got another essay due Monday.
*Lucy frowns at Mike.*
Lucy: Just take it easy! You’ve got a moment to breathe between classes and you’re gonna spend it feeling worried?
*Mike sighs.*
Mike: I guess you’re right..
*Mike poses heroically with his fist in the air.*
Mike: I’m going to kick your ass, English essay! Whether you like it or not!
*Daisy perks up in the distance.*
Daisy: Oh, Mikie! You’re talking about the essay? Wanna come to the library after school and compare our research lists?
*Mike’s face falls, while Lucy looks on unamused.*
*Mike covers his face with his hand as Lucy glances away.*
Mike: I’m gonna fail I’m gonna fail I’m gonna fail I’m gonna fail I’m gonna fail I’m gonna fail I’m gonna fail I’m gonna fail
*Daisy smiles on at him.*
Daisy: ♥
Lucy: Speaking of teenage angst.
*Lucy points, Mike looks up.*
*A group of emo students stand around, looking depressed.*
Emo student 1: Oh man..
Emo student 2: I’m crying insiiiide
Emo student 3: Another dark day..
*Mike and Lucy look past them to a boy desperately appealing to a girl, who is turning away with her hand on her hip.*
Boy: C’mon.. please! Just listen to me!! I can’t live without you!!
*Lucy sees two boys fighting. One aggressively grips the other by his shirt collar.*
Fighting boy 1: I SAID she’s mine.
*The other boy puts his fists up, ready to throw a punch.*
Fighting boy 2: No, she’s mine!
Fighting boy 1: NO!
Fighting boy 2: Hey!
Fighting boy 1: NO!
Fighting boy 2: NO!
Fighting boy 1: NO!
*Lucy frowns, looking to the side.*
Lucy: Wow..
*Tess appears, a wry smile on her face.*
Tess: Welcome to high school.
*David pokes his head out behind the group.*
David: She must be hot.
*Tess shrugs with a grin.*
Tess: It’s all-you-can-eat angst and heartbreak!
*Mike tilts his head.*
Mike: Can’t be all THAT bad..
*Tess laughs.*
Tess: Look. Just don’t get a girlfriend and you’ll be totally fine.
*Lucy scrunches up her face.*
Lucy: Hmm..
*Mike looks on, wearily.*
Mike: Ha.
*Lucy walks away.*
Lucy: It’s too bad for Mike, then.
*Mike turns to Lucy, confused.*
Mike: Huh?
*Mike yells after her, exasperated.*
Mike: What are you talking about? I don’t have a girlfriend!
*Lucy remains turned away from him.*
Lucy: …
[The background becomes dark.]
*Lucy glares back at Mike, disgust clear on her face.*
Lucy: You goddamn liar.
*Mike looks dumbfounded as Lucy walks away.*
Mike: …
*Tess appears beside Mike, watching alongside him.*
Mike and Tess: …
*David appears in the corner, startling the two of them.*
David: AWK-WARD~!

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Reader comments
Comment ID #39805
David resorts to his way of breaking the awkward moment.
Ian June 8, 2010, 1:12 PM EDT.
Comment ID #127716
Jesus, he does what I do but louder!
Totally should have been AYU BEEMZ there.
SushiJaguar November 17, 2010, 9:16 AM EST.
Comment ID #213821
I think Mike is gonna have a nightmare.

And He is gonna be thinking of it all day.
Kristal. April 8, 2012, 6:58 AM EDT.