26. Left Behind, original chapter posted 10/20/06

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Left Behind — Page 4



*Young Lucy sits alone and isolated, facing a wall.*
Mike (narrating): Knowing Lucy, she would have just sat alone and dealt with it. I think she just wanted to be self-sufficient after everyone else let her down..

Mike (narrating): Kindergarten was over soon enough, and to my dismay, we were reunited in first grade..
*Lucy frantically rushes through the classroom door.*
Lucy: Sorry I’m late!
*Mike flinches as he notices her.*

Mike (narrating): She was quick to latch on again.. I didn’t realize how bad she had it, really. I kinda just wanted her gone!
*Mike yells in frustration.*
Mike: Go away! I don’t like you! Leave me alone!
*Lucy looks hurt.*

Mike (narrating): She never let up, though. I guess I really was her first and only friend. It didn’t help that I always gave in in the end.
*Lucy reaches toward Mike, face scrunched up in anger.*
Lucy: You’re just scared I’ll beat you!
*Mike scoffs.*
Mike: As if!

Mike (narrating): I did wonder, though. As time passed, I got pretty used to having her around..
*Mike, now a little older, looks concerned.*
Mike: ?

Mike (narrating): We got so close that she’d actually tell me how she felt..
*Mike and Lucy sit together outside. He looks worried.*
Mike: Hey, Lucy.
*Lucy, looking away from Mike, eats a sandwich.*
Lucy: Yuh?

*Mike’s look of concern deepens.*
Mike: Do you have any other friends?
Lucy: No.
Mike: Why not?

*Lucy looks off into the distance.*
Lucy: Boys are mean and girls are stupid.. but that’s okay. Everyone’s just dumb.

*Lucy holds her hand to her chin in thought.*
Lucy: So I can deal with it.
*Mike glances at Lucy, pitying her.*
Mike: Really? Don’t you get lonely?

*Lucy looks up at Mike and smiles sincerely.*
Lucy: Nah, not anymore. We’re friends, right?

Mike (narrating): That’s the first time I really saw her smile..
*Mike pauses, looking at her as she smiles, worry in his eyes.*

*Mike perks up and grins back.*
Mike: Y-yeah! Sure!

*Lucy continues eating and frowns.*
Lucy: You’re still a big ol’ jerkface, though.
*Mike smiles awkwardly and sighs.*
Mike: Ahh

Mike (narrating): She opened up to me bit by bit, and soon enough, we really were good friends.
*Lucy and Mike walk outside together.*
Mike (narrating): And then I kinda ruined things..

Mike (narrating): Third grade brought Sandy.. Which meant Lucy went back to feeling isolated and forgotten.
*Mike and Sandy grin at each other. A trail of hearts float behind them.*
Mike: ♥!
*Lucy looks on from the background, confused and annoyed.*

Mike (narrating): And she was alone again.. that whole year..
*Lucy holds her arm and looks down, pained.*
Lucy (thinking): That.. that’s it, huh.. But I don’t wanna talk to anyone else..

*Lucy’s eyes fill with tears. She puts on an angry face and raises a fist in determination.*
Lucy (thinking): Who needs these idiots, anyway! Who needs anyone!

*Lucy stands up straight, both fists boldly raised. She still has tears in her eyes.*
Lucy: I’m not gonna cry about it! I hate that jerk!
*A lovestruck Mike runs in the background with his arms outstretched. Hearts surround him.*
Mike: Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy~!

Author commentary

Veronica: Lucy is prone to kindness, though! It wasn’t like she was a bitter angry girl ALL THE TIME.. she definitely can smile and laugh. She just doesn’t like showing that side so easily, just to people she can trust.

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Reader comments

Comment ID #127752

Jeez, the girl is a train graveyard!

SushiJaguar November 17, 2010, 9:47 AM EST.

Comment ID #160054

Mike is so adorable in the last panel! :D

KillerCobraZ117 May 4, 2011, 7:12 PM EDT.

Comment ID #172297

poor Lucy! I know exactly how she feels, she’s lonely and she feels everyone’s an idiot

Arietta July 13, 2011, 9:46 AM EDT.

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