*A young Mike and young Lucy are playing together. Mike wears a cap, and Lucy is holding a toy car.*
Mike (narrating): When we met back in preschool, she only seemed to want to play with my toys. I told her it was really weird for a girl.
*Mike points his finger. Lucy looks up at him.*
Mike (narrating): She didn’t take that well. Lucy started getting really competitive, always trying to beat me whenever we played.
*Lucy shoves Mike.*
Lucy: Jerk!
*Mike flinches.*
Mike: ?!
*Mike glares back at Lucy, who is following him. She is shouting and holding up a fist.*
Mike (narrating): I thought she was pretty annoying.. So clingy, so determined to be my rival..
*Mike looks aggravated, while Lucy stands behind him, looking riled up.*
Mike (narrating): It took years for me to understand why she avoided everyone else and followed me like a shadow.
[The panel shows a pair of kindergarten classroom doors, labeled “K2” and “K3”.]
Mike (narrating): But soon after that, we were separated when kindergarten began. I didn’t really see her for a whole year!
*Lucy looks confused and upset.*
Lucy: Nyo?
*Lucy walks into a classroom, clasping her hands.*
*Lucy, still in the doorway, glances around the room intensely.*
[An arrow, pointed to Lucy: Looking for you-know-who]
*Lucy holds her hand over her mouth.*
Lucy: He’s not here..
*A girl with ribbons in her hair notices Lucy.*
*The ribbon girl approaches Lucy, grinning.*
Ribbon girl: Ooh, I like your bow! ♥
*Lucy looks at the ribbon girl.*
Lucy: Huh? Oh, thanks!
*The ribbon girl smiles at her.*
Ribbon girl: It’s pink! I like pink! Wanna play?
*Lucy smiles shyly.*
Lucy: Ahh.. okay!
Ribbon girl: Come meet my friends!
*Lucy follows the girl, smiling eagerly.*
Lucy: Sure!
*The ribbon girl stops in front of a group of girls. Lucy stands behind her, smiling.*
Ribbon girl: I’m back!
*The girls all smile happily.*
Ribbon girl’s friends: Hiiii~
*Lucy smiles back nervously and holds up a hand in greeting.*
Lucy: Hi.. I’m.. Lucy..
Ribbon girl’s friends: Hi, Lucy~! ♥ What a nice name!
*Lucy looks excited.*
Lucy: So.. what are we playing?
*The girls, with big smiles, all hold up princess dolls.*
Ribbon girl’s friends: ♥ Pretty Princess Adventure! ♥
*Lucy’s face drops in despair.*

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Reader comments
Comment ID #2209
*face palm* poor Lucy. It starts off good, then WHAM out come the dolls... wow, what a way to alienate a tom-boy. xP
MorphyVampy March 30, 2010, 7:30 PM EDT.
Comment ID #146999
Lucy’s face in the last panel made my day.
GoodBurger February 11, 2011, 10:59 PM EST.
Comment ID #187466
Well Lucy was a Tomboy already!
JeffMScratch October 29, 2011, 6:08 AM EDT.