31. Carry On, original chapter posted 2/4/07

Page 6 of 6

Carry On — Page 6



*Lucy recalls an earlier conversation with Mike.*
Mike: You’ll get used to it one day, right?
Lucy: Do I need to? It’s not like a pool is just gonna sneak up behind me!

*Back in the present, Lucy walks through the woods, carrying her backpack.*

*While walking, she continues to remember her conversation with Mike.*
Mike: You don’t want to try?
Lucy: No..

*Lucy frowns.*
Mike: If you tried.. you could be strong enough to handle anything.. It’s nothing to be scared of.

*Lucy looks at something.*

*She stands by the river and gulps.*

*She takes a few steps toward the river.*
Mike: If the water’s still.. You just have to trust it’ll be okay. You’ll be okay.

*Lucy sighs, starting to sweat.*

*Lucy trembles.*
Lucy (thinking): Just another step closer..

*Lucy starts to drift off, drooping forward. She then jolts awake, looking frightened.*

*Lucy sighs.*
Lucy: Dammit.

*She glances back at the water, disappointed, and walks away.*

*Lucy furrows her brow in annoyance.*
Lucy: What’s the point, seriously..

*Augustus watches Lucy from behind a tree.*
Lucy (thinking): I don’t need his promises. I can handle it. By avoiding it.

*Augustus smiles deviously.*

Author commentary

Veronica: Hmm, what are doing there.. what is your deal, Final Fantasy Cat..

Oliver: Self-reliance! That’s the way to do it, Lucy.

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #127832

I thought we’d be seeing the turtle again. Guess not.


SushiJaguar November 17, 2010, 11:04 AM EST.

Comment ID #143656


... January 25, 2011, 5:45 AM EST.

Comment ID #232606

Well, that was a somber end. :/

James November 9, 2012, 1:54 PM EST.

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