*Lucy and Tess sit at the lunch table. Lucy cooly sips a juice box. Tess, distracted, sighs.*
Lucy: There’s never enough juice in these stupid boxes..
*Lucy looks at Tess.*
Lucy: Made plans for junior prom yet?
*Tess, caught off guard, looks up.*
Tess: Eh?
*Tess nervously smiles and curls her hair around her finger.*
Tess: Well, that’s not for a while.. Junior prom isn’t really that important anyway.
Lucy: I don’t think I’d even go to my Senior prom..
*Lucy squeezes the last drops of juice from her juice box onto the table. Tess watches, confused.*
Tess: What are you doing?
*Mike slouches, elbows rested on the table and leaning his head in his hand.*
Mike: Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t! Who am I supposed to take?
Yashy: Your woman, of course!
*Mike twitches, annoyed at Yashy’s interjection.*
Mike: ..!
*Yashy pops up next to Lucy, who glances at her without surprise.*
Lucy: Snuck into my bag again?
Yashy: Don’t change the subject~ ♥
*Mike is visibly agitated.*
Mike: How do you expect me to bring her all the way from Rickter just for a stupid prom?!
*Yashy defiantly points to Lucy, who looks mortified.*
Yashy: What are you talking about? She’s right here!
*Lucy, with a worried expression, quickly reaches for the empty juice box.*
Mike: I’m not talking about Lucy, you idiot, I meant SAN--
*Lucy throws the juice box directly at Mike’s head, catching him by surprise.*
Mike: ?!
*Lucy whistles to herself, pretending to be innocent. Yashy glances at her, suspicious. Mike rubs his temple, his anger growing.*
Mike: Lucy, what the hell?!
*Paulo glances at Lucy, confused.*
Paulo: ?
*David makes a crazed expression and shouts.*
*David, without turning, throws a bowl of food into Paulo’s face with a “SPLORT”. Mike glares at Lucy, who looks away, uneasy. Yashy continues to look at Lucy with suspicion.*
Lucy: …
*Mike scowls, raising his fist defensively.*
Mike: Wait, why are you trying to shut me up? What’s the big deal!
*Lucy, annoyed, rolls her eyes and half-listens to Mike.*
Mike: Whether you like it or not, SHE’S who I’d be going with, if anyone! And you know what, maybe I WILL invite her!
*McCain appears, raising a finger as he lectures.*
McCain: The already marginal chance of a teenage relationship outlasting junior year is made exponentially slimmer by the additional qualifier of long-distance communication.
*Mike, shocked, stares at McCain, who doesn’t move.*
Mike: …
McCain: …
*Mike scowls at McCain, who is offended.*
Mike: Shut it, McCain.
*Mike turns back to Lucy, agitated, while McCain hurries away.*
Mike: So anyway..
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Reader comments
Comment ID #2603
food fight daivid is so dumb
meg April 4, 2010, 6:58 PM EDT.
Comment ID #167684
fukin dave man fukin dave
Andres June 17, 2011, 5:51 AM EDT.
Comment ID #180819
Listen to McCain, Mike! Lucy is so much better!!
Mint-Sama September 6, 2011, 8:47 PM EDT.