60. Feline Filibuster, page posted 11/24/10

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Feline Filibuster — Page 1

Author commentary

Veronica: Hello, and welcome to a new chapter! The name of this chapter was actually a beta-title that Souppy wrote because he wrote the script for the first six or so pages? And I thought “holy shit, we have GOT to use Feline Filibuster.” It’s a much better title than the one I’ve been calling it: “Elections”.

Also yeah I assume many people will freak out at Jasmine not wearing clothes. If the others can do it, why can’t she?

The sad thing about this is that Jasmine’s clothesless style was not to last. When you introduce a character wearing clothes, you kinda can’t unclothe them! Jasmine looks so naked, and I attempted to bring that back a few times, but nope. Jasmine has to permanently wear clothes :( You missed that boat, Jazzie.

Oliver: I have very vague memories of writing this one on a plane..? I think the resolution of it wasn’t clear but I wanted to kickstart it into something funny and silly.

It’s not actually based on a lot of real world experience, though! I checked out of student politics, except for a brief interest in university. Buncha freaks!

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Reader comments

Comment ID #132640

Oh man, Jasmine and Paulo together to rule the Roseville High. They will be an unstoppable force, the school will soon be theirs. None can resist the awesome power of Jasmine and her Jasmine facial expression. Now hat Jasmine is naked too, oh man there’s nothing she can’t do. About time she shed her threads and joined the party!
Also, I love seeing Paulo’s tooth in the corner of his mouth there. Dunno why but I grin everytime I see it

Rukral November 24, 2010, 12:21 AM EST.

Comment ID #132740

JasminexPaulo is pretty cute x3

ClosetLucy November 24, 2010, 1:17 AM EST.

Comment ID #133579

Actually. While I would hate for Jasmine to loose, I wouldn’t mind so much if McCain was running and he won. He deserves some respect. Plus I doubt anyone would really vote in a freshman…. at least among the older students.

Ominous November 24, 2010, 10:10 PM EST.

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