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Comment ID #136717
I, for one, welcome our new long-eared overlord.
Brick December 15, 2010, 2:27 AM EST.
Comment ID #136730
Given some of the stuff we’ve seen of Abby’s homelife, it’s no wonder he has little to zero tolerance for bullying. Also while some may call it extreme, I call it giving pricks a good message early in life. You pick on people and enjoy making others miserable, now go home and tell your folks you got expelled cuz you’re a jerk.
Weltall84 December 15, 2010, 3:37 AM EST.
Comment ID #136925
For people who are confused as to why Tess is announcing and nobody is raging, she is announcing to the entire sophomore crowd. Because they’ll be the ones voting. So no angry juniors or angry seniors. Sophomores have absolutely no beef with Tess.
Taeshi December 15, 2010, 10:14 PM EST.