December — Page 14

Author commentary

Veronica: Aww, Chris, you’re adorable!!!! Little baby-boo!!

I had a very weird complex over the main characters’ siblings when I was very little. Basically, I thought the youngest sibling is going to die last (because of their age), so for some reason I didn’t want the youngest sibling to be a boy?? Or for a main character to not be the youngest sibling? I guess because I projected myself into the youngest siblings and I didn’t want to die??

God even as a very young child I had awful agonising thoughts about mortality. What’s wrong with me

ANYWAY, I remember I created a younger sister for Lucy, but panicked at the thought of Lucy dying before her, so I made the younger sister admit in the next comic that not only is she OLDER than Lucy, but she’s Lucy’s cousin.

What am I getting at? What I’m getting at is that in the original series I made when I was a child, Mike had a baby sister. Like a real baby. I think her name was Crystal? I actually forget what her name is now.. it’s been so long since I thought about her.

Even though the thought of Lucy dying before anyone else horrified me, I was totally okay with Mike dying before Haley and Crystal! Because they were girls!

And so to combat my crazy-ass child brain, I decided to make Crystal into a boy in the BCB world.. and that’s why we have Chris!

Oliver: What we’ve learned today is that child Veronica was as obsessive as she was SEXIST.

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #187966

FAMILY MEMBERS! Look at that. I forgot that jerkface had a sister and baby brother. The little kid is so adorable :D

Glad to see Lucy doesn’t hate EVERYTHING Mike related.

kyle November 2, 2011, 12:00 AM EDT.

Comment ID #187968

We get to see the family again : )

Bangomango November 2, 2011, 12:00 AM EDT.

Comment ID #187995

It’s okay Mike, I understand. It’s frusrating when your family and the person you don’t like so much get along like that.

Worst November 2, 2011, 12:08 AM EDT.

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