Dial Tone — Page 11

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Veronica: oh

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Comments from around the web

omG AUGUSTUS i’m cry
Also JESUS this dream sequence is getting to me, i check back here like everyday for a new post, it’s soooooo good. Poor Lucy and Mike, so confused. I was so excited when we first saw Lucy, but when she acted like that and called him “Maishul” and was wearing her sundress, I knew it had to be a dream, right? I’m glad it was, but at the same time, that means we’re getting a look at how Mike really feels, and how he knows that it’s a matter of time before he and Sandy cut the line, and he knows he loves Lucy, but something is making him stop himself from admitting it and ooooooooooooh I can’t wait to find out what

Tumblr: forgottenequality February 14, 2016

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