Dial Tone — Page 14

Author commentary

Veronica: god this is so depressing

One thing I feel bad about when it comes to Mike is that he did say at one point that he wishes Lucy could die, and everyone has taken that in the most literal way possible. Has nobody else in the world been so mad and frustrated by someone that they vent about wanting them to stop existing anymore?? It doesn’t mean that if that actually happened, the person saying that would be DELIGHTED.

It makes me think of a teenager yelling “I HATE YOU MOM” during an argument and that being held against them as some sort of ultimate sin when the reality is the teenager was furious in the heat of the moment and any of their past/future behaviour will show that.

Anyway, I dunno, tangent!

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Comments from around the web

I’m sorry I laughed at Sandy’s response, she just been so blunt and savage in his dream it’s ridiculous. What little I’ve gathered from Sandy is even when she’s angry (like with how she was when Lucy was treating Mike so terribly) she wasn’t this cold. So I find it funny how he’s picturing her.

Tumblr: touchfeeltastelove February 19, 2016

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Tumblr: 88mm-reloaded February 20, 2016

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