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Comments from around the web
Stop crying on me, can’t you see my eyeliner is on point today?
Tumblr: leelians March 14, 2016
And guess who isn’t there for you now, man?
Facebook: Jessica Ustaszewski March 14, 2016
“You’re worth fighting for” she says, and then takes entirely too long to actually start the fight. You dummy, things would have turned out so differently if you had done something sooner.
Tumblr: daft-inquisitor March 14, 2016
@SuitCase874 I could gladly look at the current page for at least a week. @bcbcomic @Taeshi #poorlucy :-(
Twitter: Rateus_Johanson March 14, 2016
I really hope that Mike has a complete change of heart after this and does the right thing and apologizes to Lucy and maybe takes it more casually with Sandy?
Tumblr: twee-lil-lass March 13, 2016