92. Table for One, page posted 3/18/16

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Table for One — Page 1

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Oliver: The beginning of the end

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Comments from around the web

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Abbey taking in the result of Molly’s awesomeness


Tumblr: almighty-idiot March 18, 2016

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So, 10 years ago, at the mere age of 16, I discovered a webcomic called Bittersweet Candy Bowl. Now, it wasn’t really a full-fledged webcomic at the time; it didn’t have its own website (it was on Deviantart), nor was it even actually named at that point. It was a silly, charming comic about some cartoon cats (and dogs).

It is by far my favorite webcomic. I have watched this comic grow from fun, silly slapstick to a full on character driven series with drama and humor to match. I cannot praise the characterization enough. I’m not sure how to verbalize exactly how much I love this series or what it means to me.

I have followed this comic for a decade, and finally, in this tenth year, the creator of this series is coming to Acen, the only large con in my general vicinity. So, I’m getting old, and probably won’t be doing cons much anymore, but I will bust out one last […]

Tumblr: mokomel March 18, 2016

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