[The panel shows a clear sky.]
Jasmine: .. and then, he reached behind the couch cushion, and he ate the french fry right there!!
Abbey: Oh, that’s disgusting! I’m sorry.
Jasmine: Yeah, I know! How can anyone find THAT appetizing? Yuuck!
Abbey: With all that, I honestly don’t blame you for ending it! It’s good you saw the light.
*Abbey smiles. Jasmine looks away with a somber expression.*
Jasmine: Haha, yeah..
*Abbey reaches down to pick up a can. Jasmine frowns.*
*Jasmine bites her lip, looking sullen.*
Jasmine: You know.. Despite all that, I’m still really glad we dated.
*Abbey looks up, listening.*
Jasmine: He taught me that I need to relax sometimes, you know?
*Jasmine smiles nervously.*
Jasmine: I had a lot of fun with him, more than I’ve had in a long time. He.. helped me understand that I need to make time for myself.
*Abbey smiles at her.*
Abbey: I can see that.
*Jasmine blushes and sweats, panicked.*
Jasmine: N-not that I’d still want to go out with him or anything!
*Abbey looks on, smiling.*

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Comments from around the web
midnight here, no regrets..
This is awesome, will Jasmine get a rebound with Paulo ?
Facebook: Nguyen Thanh Long May 30, 2016
Paulo is a god with the feelings of everyone he meets \.3./
Facebook: Camilo Lopez Godoy May 30, 2016
Jasmine = new tsundere?
Looks like Paulo has a type afterall
Tumblr: sc0urg3-l3sb14ns May 30, 2016
AW, Jaz <3 !
Facebook: Ana Lucía Cabanillas Enciso May 30, 2016
Jazzie is a cutie
Facebook: Alex May 30, 2016