*Jasmine sits at the desk in front of Abbey, with a concerned look on her face. She clenches her fists. Abbey looks off to the side, with a neutral expression.*
Jasmine (thinking): Oh god he remembered me he knows who I am why wouldn’t he remember you idiot
Jasmine (thinking): I just wanted to move on I bet he hates me but I’m not like that anymore
*Jasmine clutches her face, looking increasingly panicked.*
Jasmine (thinking): Is he looking at me right now?
*Jasmine peeks behind her.*
*Noticing her staring, Abbey looks up at Jasmine.*
Abbey: ?
Jasmine (thinking): AAAAAAAAA
*Jasmine grimaces. Abbey looks at her blankly.*
*The teacher places a hand on Jasmine’s desk.*
Teacher: Okay, everybody!
*Jasmine refocuses on the teacher.*
*The teacher clasps her hands together and smiles enthusiastically.*
Teacher: Who’s ready to save the environment?
*Jasmine grins up at the teacher. Her eyes widen and sparkle.*
*The teacher squints.*
Teacher: By picking up trash along Northern Highway?
*Jasmine’s mouth hangs open in dismay.*
*The teacher lowers her eyebrows, looking evil.*

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Comments from around the web
Geez this chapter had the most anime-filled expressions in BCB, and I FUCKING LOVE IT XD
Facebook: Dàniêl Fàiz May 16, 2016
ahahaha our high school did a similar thing - our “environmental club” had to go around the school and collect the recycling from classrooms from the little milk crates/cardboard boxes teachers had in their rooms, and then run it all outside to the giant recycling bin outside the school. servant children indeed lol
Tumblr: toastyhands May 16, 2016
I dont understand the problme between the 2…
Tumblr: viralcorpse May 16, 2016
I bet Jazzy thinks this is Karma XDD
Facebook: Ana Lucía Cabanillas Enciso May 16, 2016
Am I the only one who sees a Hiimdaisy influence showing in these last few panels?
Tumblr: tiny260 May 16, 2016