*The Environmental Club members stand along the highway, picking up trash.*
*Jasmine, wearing a pair of gloves, picks up an empty can and puts it in a trash bag. She wipes sweat from her forehead, looking exhausted.*
Dylan: Hey, Jasmine!
*Jasmine looks over to Dylan.*
*Dylan holds a black trash bag in front of his crotch.*
Dylan: Why’re you starin’ at my SACK?
*Dylan’s friend bends over in laugher.*
Dylan’s friend: Fhahahahaha
Dylan’s friend: I think she likes what she sees!
*Jasmine looks angry.*
Dylan: Wanna give my sack a squeeze? ♥
*Dylan, still holding the bag, makes a kissy face at Jasmine. Jasmine leans forward to yell at him.*
Jasmine: Very mature, Dylan--
*A soda can hits Jasmine in the nose as a car rushes past.*
Dylan: Ooh, ooh, mine!
Dylan’s friend: No, mine!
*Dylan and his friend fight over the soda can, while Jasmine cradles her face in pain.*

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Comments from around the web
I can’t stand this….
Facebook: Anh Tuan Dao May 18, 2016
Poor Jasmine :(
Though I think an empty can should be fairly light and shouldn’t hurt too much… but that’s not the biggest problem Jazz is dealing with on this page.
Facebook: Нина Исакова May 18, 2016
NOOOO Jasmine ;_;
Those jerkwads.
I’m calling it, Abbey is going to ask her if she’s ok and to see if he can deal with them!!!
Facebook: Brian Edward May 18, 2016
poor jasmine, i really hope abbey will step in and do something
Tumblr: miaaa-cs May 18, 2016
This week on #BCB…

Twitter: cynicalartist May 18, 2016